~By Sydney~
“What the fuck”.
Emma ripped the flier off the wall and rapidly walked towards their classroom. That's what everyone calls it, THEIR classroom. It's actually the art classroom but, you know.
She smoothly slowed down when she actually arrived at the class. Without saying a word, the Braniacs glanced at her. Emma just showed the flier she was carrying.
“<<The braniacs strike again with their bullshit>>. Emma, where did you get that?”, Rich asked, taking the poster off her hand.
“It was fixed to the hallway corridor. Well, this is one of them. I saw a bunch of others on my way here”, she explained, taking off her school bag and sitting on a table.
They do that, sit on furniture. I mean, we all sit on furniture, but we often choose chairs. Not them.
“Since when are we the braniacs?”, Dedrick asked, confused as he always was.
“Since the idiots of this school care about what we do. Pack of hypocrites…”, Elliot said.
“Bitch, is this about the chalk mystery? They're actually mad about it, aren't they?”. Jackson was totally right.
“What's with the chalk? Did you guys find out who was stealing it?``, Dedrick asked, again, confused.
“Yes. Everyone was stealing”, Emma emphasized the word ´everyone´.
“Turns out, we are now snitches”, Rich informed.
“For fuck´s sake…” was the amazing Elliot´s second intervention.
I´m sorry, readers. I´m assuming everyone knows who these people are since the chalk incident made them pretty famous in a bad way. But let me briefly describe them for a second.
Rich, blue eyes guy. Kind of vampire style. Good kid, I guess. He once let me borrow a pen in history class, so I´m not going to talk shit about him. I know what you´re thinking. Isn´t it pretentious to shorten ´Richard´ to ´Rich´ instead of ´Rick´? Turns out, that was not him. They started calling him that because he is, actually, rich. You wouldn't tell, huh? So anyways, he just went with the flow. Pacifist kind of guy, not getting into fights dude. He's cool.
Jackson, the gay black boy. I know, this is too “labeling”. Labelist? Whatever. As far as I know, he's proud of who he is and embraces the labels. Good for him.
Dedrick, the German mount Everest. He has a good heart, but you might know him as “the dumb blonde”. I don't make up the names, this is high school.
Elliot, the ginger jerk. I did make up this name.
And then, Emma. Only girl in the group. Probably shouldn't just point that out like it's her only role. She's actually the smartest. Basically the leader. Her shyness cover that up sometimes, but do not think she couldn´t win you in a fist fight. I mean, she never actually fought anyone. However, I reckon her nerves might get into that. She´s a woman living in a man's world. I get it, I respect it. Probably half of you reading this article thought I was a guy. Guess again, patriarchy.
“Are we going to call ourselves Braniacs from now on? What does it even mean?”
“No, we´re not, Dedrick. We´ve always been the Mystery Club and we´re going to remain being that”, Emma clarified. "And my guess is that they tried to do something with the word ´brain´ but the ´i´ went missing".
“So what are we supposed to do? Just fucking stay here doing nothing?”, Elliot angrily asked. “They're messing with our reputation”.
“Bitch, what reputation? We´re the nerds, let's deal with it”.
“Boss?”. Rich glanced at Emma and everyone else followed. Like I said, leader.
“I say we take the day off. Cool down. And then come back tomorrow, keep doing our job and prove them wrong. We know we´re not just tattle tellers. We want the best for the school, and we want to make justice. If people call us names, let them. There's nothing we can do about it, nor do we have the time for it”.
The boys nodded, because they all know Emma´s always right. They don't argue her wisdom. At least, not anymore. Again, woman in a man's world. Their beginning wasn't as pretty as this. But let's stick to the present.
She, in fact, didn't cool down. She went straight ahead to the bleachers. There´s one spot where she and Robert, her best friend and possibly love interest in this story, meet to be alone and eat fries covered in grilled cheese.
"I don't usually mind what they say behind our backs. We know we´re not the popular kids in school, we get it, and we don't give a shit. However, publicly making fun of us, calling us names and saying we´re snitches for doing what's right, is pissing me off", she raged.
"Who says there are any popular kids? This is not Glee", Robert said. So naïve.
"Everyone. It is common knowledge that we´re the losers and you guys are popular. And I'm fine with that. But this is crossing the line".
"Wow, since when I´m popular?", yes, he is naïve.
I feel like I do not have to describe who Robert is since everyone knows. That's how you can tell who is popular and who's not.
"Since you exist, and play sports, and are handsome, and everyone likes you".
Emma took a fry from the cardboard box Robert was holding.
"You think I'm handsome?". I told you, they´re each other's love interest. If only Emma could see that…
Yep, this is one of those stories.
"I'm serious, Rob".
"So am I. No one cares about popularity. Well, I guess influencers do. But not people in high school".
"Influencers ARE people in high school. Besides, that's not the point".
"Then what is?".
Emma sat down. Oh, she was standing the whole time as Robert watched her from his seat. Guess I'm a bad narrator, sorry guys.
"I want to do something important. Discover something big. I know I´m not getting anyone into prison at the age of 17. But, you know, uncover a theft in the school or..."
"Leave your mark?"
Emma glanced at Robert. Not even him could understand.
"I don't need people to remember me. I want them to remember that there's people like us that care about justice".
Robert stared at her for a long time. You would think enough time for her to realize that he is in love with her. Guess again.
"People know. They just don't want to think about it. It's easier. That's why they tease you guys, so you don't feel the power you have. Because it's a lot, and they´re terrified of it".
Emma thought about it while Robert kept looking at her. You can´t take your eyes off her, huh?
See, guys, I think I didn't express my thoughts properly. It's not that she isn't aware that her best friend loves her. She denies it because she's in love with someone else.
Guess who. Remember the guy that I described as "the jerk" before? Yeah, shocker. This is one of those stories. Except it's not a story, it's me writing about my classmates. Well, I guess if I'm writing about it then I´m transforming it into a story?
Anyways, that's it for the article, guys. Don't forget to keep reading the school's newspaper. Otherwise, I´ll go jobless. Although I´m not being paid for this, so maybe it's not such a bad thing.
Okay, bye, toodles.
Chapter 1 of my actual book
-What the fuck -wow, she really likes this line -. Sydney, you can´t write about my friends
and I. First of all, how do you know what we said in the meeting? You weren't there, that´s
so creepy. Second of all, I´m not in love with Elliot, Robert is not in love with me and you
have to stop making this shit up. And, for fuck´s sake, stop typing while I´m yelling at you.
I stop writing, because I can see how that can be rude, so I decide to have a mature
conversation with her.
-Emma, I´m a journalist, you have to understand that I have to do my job and I have
resources to do it that I cannot reveal.
-You´re not a journalist. Mr. Matthews grounded you for being late to his class every
single morning and made you write the newspaper because no one wants to do it.
I guess she has her sources too.
-Let´s be real. You can't force me to stop writing about your people.
-Can´t I? -shit, she's scary. I'm kind of turned on. But I´m also actually afraid of her.
Which turns me on even more.
-Okay, maybe you can, but I assume you´re a defender of freedom of speech and you
wouldn't turn your back on your principles.
-I would this time -this is getting harder. That's what she said. Nope, wrong timing.
Wait, I got it.
-You guys need me -Emma laughs in a very disrespectful way.
-Do we, now?
-You saw the flier. Your reputation at this school is terrible. No one even cares
enough about the braniacs to actually spell it right. Accept it, you could use all the
good publicity you can get -I definitely got her with this -. And I could provide
it to you. Everyone's already more interested in you guys now that there is a story
with love drama and a strong female leader.
-I don't want my classmates to be reading about my personal life.
-Are you admitting that I was right about the love triangle?
Emma looks exasperated, but I can sense that I, indeed, was right. Man, I´m good.
In your face, Mr. Matthews.
Sorry, sir. I didn't mean that.
-I´ll tell you what we can do. Next case you have, I'm writing a novel about it.
-A book?
-A novel. That´s fancier -Emma rolls her eyes -. You don't have to read or see
other people reading about you until I finish it. And we can pretend that it's all fiction,
you´ll be made as characters.
-And what do you win from this?
-I get to write, I like writing. And possibly a literature Nobel prize.
Emma looks at me, then turns around and leaves. I assume she´s very excited for
the release of my novel.
-Everyone´s staring at us -Emma points out while Robert pulls out some books from
his locker.
-Well, we´re the new sensation. The quarterback of the football team and one of the
braniacs involved romantically?
-Ug, don´t call me that.
-I kind of like it. Besides, everyone already thought that our friendship was weird before
all of this.
-What? Who thought that?
-Absolutely no one.
Robert smirks. Emma pulls her tongue out. She can't help but smile.
-Hey, Roberto -one of the football players greets Robert. They high five while
Emma stands there pretending to know who he is -. Big game tonight, huh? Are you nervous?
-I´m freaking out, man.
-You´re not coming, right? -some girl whose identity Emma doesn´t know either asks her -.
We made T-shirts and I'm realizing we didn't offer you one but, you know, you never
come to these things.
-No, Emma´s not coming -the fact that everyone assumes that she's not even considering
going, and Robert answering for her, somehow gets to Emma. Although she, indeed, wasn't
planning on going.
-I´ll go.
-You what?
-I´ll go. It's important, right? -the football guy nods.
-Emmy, you don't have to come.
-I want to go. Don´t be so surprised.
-How could I not be? It would be the first game you watch.
-So I´ve been playing for four years.
-Well, it's never too late to start, is it?
-I guess not -Robert surrenders, kind of excited about his love interest coming to his
big game.
-We don't have any T-shirts left -. This girl is concerned about the important things.
-It´s okay. Thanks, though.
-Well, I'll see you both there -the guy says. I should learn my classmates' names. Whatever.
After the two people leave, Robert can´t help but stare at Emma in disbelief.
-You´re coming to my game? I didn't think group pressure would get to you.
-It´s not about group pressure. We´ve been friends for a really long time and this
is important to you. I want to be there -oh boy, he's falling even further in love.
Harder? Deeper? Anyways.
-Emma, braniacs -Jackson walks by pointing to their classroom.
-So we´re calling ourselves that now, huh.
-Guess I´ll see you tonight? -he didn´t mean to ask but couldn't help it.
-You will absolutely without a doubt see me tonight.
Aw, that I-want-to-have-your-children smile of Robert´s.
-I reckon we should come up with a plan to clean our reputation -Rich says.
-What reputation? -Jackson murmurs to Emma.
-I heard that. Look, we´re supposed to be like the police of this school. We cannot
allow people to mock us and not like us.
-I don't think you´re aware of what being the police is about -Elliot points out.
-We need respect.
-Honestly, Rich, who cares?
-I care, Emma. I don't want to get used to being bullied.
-Come one, we´re not being bullied.
-Did you all see the poster?
-They called us “braniacs”. That's not an insult. It's not even a word!
-It was meant to be an insult.
-I think Rich is right -says Dedrick, shocking everyone -. I want to feel welcome
in school.
-We´re never going to be welcomed, fucking accept it dudes -. Elliot and his delicate charm.
-Look, I´ve been laughed at my whole life. For having a german accent, for being
too tall, for being bisexual. For being dumb. I'm tired of it.
One beautiful thing about Dedrick is that he has the fame of being stupid. However,
he ends up being the most clever every single time.
-Honey, you´re not dumb.
-I am, Emma, it's okay.
-If you were dumb, you wouldn´t have convinced us all so quickly -that little smile
of Dedrick´s that warms all of our hearts -. Let's come up with a plan, Rich.
I can't tell you how happy he is to hear that.
-Tonight, my house, someone bring pizza.
-I can´t tonight -they´re not used to any of them having plans, so Emma saying that
shocks everyone.
I know it sounds sad, but that's just because it is.
-I'm going to the match.
-What match?
-The football match.
-Who´s playing?
-We have to play football tonight? I really wanted pizza -Dedrick complaints.
-Our school. Robert is playing. He says it´s important.
-Why is it important? -Elliot asks, not as a defense mechanism like Rich´s first
questions, but out of curiosity. The thing is, Emma blanks. She didn't ask.
-Oh my god, you don't know why.
-Well, no, I don´t, Rich. What's the big deal? If my best friend says it´s important,
then I don´t care why.
-So you're ditching us for your best friend, huh?
-I´m not ditching you guys, Elliot. We can talk about this tomorrow. Our
reputation is not going anywhere.
-You are definitely right on that one -Jackson jokes. Except it's not a joke.
It is Emma's first time at a school game, and everyone could tell. She didn't
know where to sit, she didn't know where to look. For a second, she thought about
joining the T-shirt girl, but she was sitting with a bunch of other people whose names
I also don't know, so she kind of freaked out and decided to sit by herself.
“Come on, Em. We watch the football match, then leave with the quarterback and
possibly make out with him”, I guess she's thinking. Hey, a girl can dream.
When the team runs to the field, the crowd goes wild. But what actually shocks Emma
is that absolutely everyone is shouting Robert´s name. There's people lifting placards
with his name written on it, people with T-shirts costumed like his uniform, as if he
was… um… [insert very famous sports player].
All this time he was hanging out with a celebrity and she wasn't aware of it. She
suddenly starts feeling embarrassed. Emma never gave a crap about his matches.
Always talking about the braniacs and stuff, and never even bothering to go to a game.
It is important. It is a big deal.
The mood starts to go down when people notice someone´s missing. Every player
looks around looking for a teammate they can´t find. The fans start noticing it´s
Sherone who's not there.
Robert goes back to the locker room. A couple of other players follow him. After a
while during which everyone is discussing what could be happening, Robert comes
back to the field. This time, no one shouts his name, because the silence rises up after
seeing the paler face he has ever shown. He says something to the coach and the referee.
The coach runs into the lock room, which puts everyone even more on edge.
-Everybody go home! -shouts the referee to the crowd.
People start talking again, this time in fear, then try to go into the field all at once.
Emma can´t stop staring at Robert. He started crying after the referee shouted. She tries
to swim through the sea of students to reach her best friend. However, there are
many people who already thought about both comforting and interrogating him, so she
wonders whether she could talk to him.
Nonetheless, what Emma´s not aware of is that Robert is looking for her as well. The
moment he sees her arriving near him, he pushes away everyone to hug her. She holds
him as tight as she can. She feels like a mother embracing her child, although Robert is
like a head taller than her. He can't stop sobbing.
-It´s okay, Rob. I´m here.
-Sherone is dead. He got shot in the head -he cries.
Chapter 2. The book has just started.
Both Robert and the Braniacs thought about how that moment would be. Emma would
introduce them, although most of them already know each other from class. And,
honestly, everyone in this school knows who Robert is. They would sit down and
listen to each other peacefully, having Emma in between to translate from nerd to
cool and the other way around.
What they definitely didn't picture is that Robert would arrive before Emma.
Two worlds collapsing, that's what happens when the most popular kid in school
enters the Braniacs classroom.
Every male in the room stares at each other. Robert is standing there, not knowing
where to sit, and why everyone chooses tables over chairs.
And the group is sitting on the wrong furniture, not knowing whether his reputation
will go down from this point.
-Hey -Robert takes the lead.
-Hi, Robert -Jackson clearly tries to flirt.
-Jackson -Robert nods acknowledging him.
-Do you know my name?
-I know all of your names -Robert shrugs, like it's nothing. Honey, you´re a superstar,
the more you deny it, the more we think you are -. You´re Emmy´s friends.
-Emmy… -Elliot mumbles. Here he comes -. So, Roberto, you're Colombian, huh.
-Yes, I am -Robert takes a seat in an actual chair, which doesn´t help him win points
with the group.
-Coffee -. Did I mention how smart Elliot is?
-You´re well informed.
-And cocaine -yep, that´s Elliot -. Tell me, which one represents you the most?
-Elliot -Rich warns him.
-Leprechauns and magic coins vessels, huh? Which one represents you the most?
-okay, this is better than watching Dr. Phil.
-I´m not irish.
-Are you sure? Have you checked your family tree?
-I don't like you, you know that?
-Elliot -good second try, Rich. We´re here supporting you.
-Oh, I guessed it.
Emma arrives in the most tense classroom that has ever existed. She immediately
notices it. I would take her intelligence as the reason, but it's honestly obvious.
-How are you guys doing?
-This is the best day of my life -says Jackson, always relatable.
-Robert? What are you doing here?
-Richard texted me to come.
-Why? -this question is addressed towards Rich. Oh, I didn't mention it. He told
everyone Robert was coming except for Emma. He´s a smart kid.
-Something happened yesterday and we need to discuss it.
-Okay… -Emma is right to be scared.
She struggles deciding whether to sit on a table like they always do or sit on a chair
next to Robert. The braniacs hoping for the former, she chooses the latter. I can predict
a war coming to this group.
-Football player number 12 was shot in the head last night before an apparently important
-Wow, that's not dehumanizing -Robert complaints.
-Sherone Williams, 16 years old. He was supposed to play as a… um… -Rich glances at
-Offensive tackle.
-That. Okay, so, I'm guessing he was in the locker room with all of you guys while
preparing and listening to the coach saying you… things…
-You understand sports, huh?
-And then all of you went out to the field and he didn´t. He was found there, sitting where
he was, just about ten minutes later. Not a long time to commit the crime. However…
-I´m going to stop you right there -Emma furiously stands up. - What in the actual fuck
do you think you´re doing? -Rich looks confused by her reaction.
-Solving the crime?
-Rich, are you out of your mind? First of all, you call Robert without telling me about it.
Did you know that he spent his night talking to the police going over and over about
what happened? The last thing he wants right now is to hear you describe the whole thing.
-He´s my main witness.
-He´s your nothing because we're not the police. This is way bigger than all of us.
-But we can't just drop it. Someone died last night in this school.
-I think Rich is right -we´ve been hearing this a lot lately, haven´t we?
-Seriously, Jackson?
-I´m sorry, Emma, but I can´t ignore that a black kid got shot at school.
-Look, I understand your desire for justice. I want it, too. But we´re not CSI. We are
also kids. So just let the police handle this. Let's go, Robert.
He follows her through the door, waving the boys goodbye.
-How are you holding up? -Emma asks Robert once they´re at their spot.
-I barely slept last night. I can't erase that image of my head. I mean, I wasn't super close
to him, but he was my teammate.
-I would be shocked to see someone with a bullet shape in the forehead. Anyone.
-I guess. Anyhow, the school offered some therapist sessions with the counselor. I think I'm
going to go.
-That´s good. At least there you can hide from people asking you about what happened.
I'm so sorry about the braniacs, by the way. Rich obviously didn't tell me because I
wouldn't have let you go.
-Emmy, I know you meant well, but I kind of agree with them.
-What do you mean?
-I think you guys should investigate. At the end of the day, you are the Mystery Club.
This is a mystery.
-This is a hell of a mystery. We can´t handle it.
-Why not? You know exactly when it happened, how it happened. And you know the school,
the people in it. I don't mind talking to my team. They trust me.
-I can´t ask you to do that.
-You´re not, I´m offering to.
-I don´t know…
-Why? What are you so afraid of? -He just knows everything, doesn't he?
-It´s a very delicate subject. I don't want to be disrespectful about it.
-Emmy… -He knows.
She doubts whether or not to tell the truth. But a glance at Robert is enough for her to
know that she´s safe with him.
-I´m scared to get my hopes high and then fail. I know there's no way we can solve the
crime, but if we try, I´m going to feel like we can, and then I´m going to be so disappointed.
Besides, if we start treating everyone as suspects, I don't know what people will do. We
have enough enemies as it is.
-No more than Sherone, apparently.
He means well saying that. Not as a reproach. Just as a fact. Emma nods.
-Tell me you´ll think about it.
-I´ll think about it -.
She doesn´t hesitate this time.
The memorial for Sherone was supposed to be nice. I was there. Everyone was,
basically. All the students and teachers on the football field, circled around a football
with his uniform T-shirt on top of it.
The principal said a few words, just talking nonsense because he clearly doesn't know
who most of us are, so he probably was told what to say. A couple of Sherone´s friends
also said a few words.
-Egotistic much? -Rich whispered when the principal took the microphone again.
-One last thing I´d like to add. There´s been complaints about a certain group of individuals
that devote their days to solving mysteries regarding this institution.
-Is he talking about us? -Dedrick asked.
-No fucking way -Elliot added.
-I have to ask them to stay out of this investigation. This is not a chalk issue anymore.
-Again with the chalks… -Jackson sighed.
-This is a murder. A very serious thing that I expect everyone to treat with respect.
Everyone was staring at them. Hell, I was staring at them.
And Emma was having none of it.
-Well, I want to fucking investigate now.
Chapter 3. Apparently, this keeps going.
What you probably don't know about Emma, dear student, is that she lives alone. But
the braniacs didn't know either, so they met at Rich's house. Now, I want to remind
you that he is, indeed, rich. So you'd think it's logical to meet at his place since
it´s the biggest. However, what you probably are not aware of is that he has five siblings.
And he's the oldest.
-Luke, I´m not gonna tell you again -he repremends one of his siblings. All the braniacs
sitting on the couches while four kids revolve around them. Really comfortable.
-I´m Scott -says the kid. Apparently, there's two of them.
-I can tell my brothers apart. You´re Luke, and you´re giving me that gun right now
-easy, people. He means a toy gun. Which is not very advisable for a 5 year old
kid anyways, in my opinion.
-Do you want to be my boyfriend? -a 7 year old girl asks Elliot.
-No -. Oh, sweet Elliot.
-Do you want to be my boyfriend? -she now asks Jackson. Wow, this kid is my hero.
-Honey, I´m gay.
-What´s that?
-Should I tell her? -Jackson consults Elliot.
-What the fuck I know?
-It means that I like boys, not girls. You are a girl -. Jackson, sweetie, you don't have
to speak to her so slowly. She speaks english.
-Do you like my brother? He´s a boy, he could be your boyfriend.
-Bitch, there's not enough money in the world.
-I heard that -Rich says still trying to requisition the gun.
-Do you want to be my boyfriend? -Mary keeps her round.
-Sure -Robert answers. Poor thing.
-Can I kiss you?
-You will have to take me to dinner first.
-Why do you have a baby on your lap? -Rich inquires, exhausted, when he finally turns around.
-She climbed -Emma answers.
-Sabrina, come pick Alexis up! -he yells to the ceiling.
-I´m busy! -this sister replies from upstairs.
-So am I!
The sister growls and then she shows up. Emma hands her the baby and Sabrina
almost misses it because Robert catches her eyes. He smiles, a bit uncomfortable like
everyone else in the room. But, you know, I would be especially uncomfy if a 14 year
old girl stares at me with her eyes wide open.
-Sabrina, honey, the little girl -Emma reminds her still with Alexis hanging from her hands.
-Right, sorry. Uh, Ricky, come here for a second?
They meant to speak quietly, but they fail.
-Why didn´t you tell me Roberto Rodríguez was going to be in our house? -. This
surely makes the situation much more comfortable. Robert glances at Emma, but all
she can do is shrug.
-How do you know who he is?
-Everyone knows who he is, jeez. The one time you have a friend who's not a loser
and you don't warn me first so I can put some makeup on?
-What a wonderful evening we´re having, right? -Emma points out.
-My friends are not losers -Rich complaints to her sister.
-Ug, please.
-Fucking great. Even a kid thinks we´re pathetic -Elliot comments.
-Upstairs. Now.
Sabrina growls again, but she finally takes the baby with her.
-And you -Rich threatens his other sister -. Leave, and take these two with you -he puts
down the twins, who he had to hold before so they would stop -. Read them a book,
lock them in a closet, I don't care. And stop flirting with the guys.
Mary puts out her tongue. Rich does the same thing, proving his maturity.
-Sorry about that -he apologizes when they're finally alone.
-Why don't they call you Rich? Is it like a nickname just for friends? -Robert asks him. Elliot
-You seriously don't know?
Robert notices that Rich got uncomfortable with the question.
-Sorry, man. I didn't think…
-It´s okay. People in high school started calling me that to mock me for being
rich. They would introduce me to other students with that name, threatening me
to punch me if I corrected them. They even asked some teachers to call me that. Let
me tell you, they were invested in this nickname. Anyhow, I figured it would be easier
to embrace Rich than fight those guys. Eventually, it got stuck with me.
-Guess who were those guys? -Elliot adds -. Your dear football friends.
-I can call you Ricky if you want -Robert offers.
-Nah, man, I gotta own it.
-He´s like black people with the “n” word but white and economically privileged -Emma
mocks him.
-As a matter of fact, yes, I am. That's why I don't fight it. I´m not going to act like I'm
oppressed or anything. My life is easier because of my family´s money. They can make
fun of me all they want.
-They shouldn't call you names, anyways. To any of you guys.
-You don't say… -Elliot murmurs.
-Can we get started, please? -Emma requests, predicting another Robert-Elliot war coming.
-Yes, we can. I have a few questions written down for you, Robert, if you don't mind me asking.
-That´s why I´m here.
-We appreciate it. So, I thought about dividing the suspects in love stories,
professional issues and others.
-What do you mean by professional? We´re in fucking high school, man -Elliot points out.
-I mean the football thing.
-The football thing. That's what the experts call it -Emma jokes.
-I understand that the football match that was taking place the day it… happened…
was important, wasn't it?
-Yeah, well. Some people thought it was.
-You didn´t? -Dedrick asks.
-I went along with it, but I think people were overreacting, to be honest. Yes, the other
team is our main opponent, and some superstitious players reckon that it marks how the
team is going to do the rest of the year, but it doesn't actually mean anything.
-So you don´t believe anyone from the other team had any motives?
-I don´t think so.
-And what about your own team? -Jackson intervenes -. Was Sherone, like, the best
or something?
-I wouldn't say so.
-Which is the most prestigious position? -Rich doesn´t stop writing in his tiny
notebook. He really thinks he's from the FBI, doesn't he?
-I think every single person has their preferences -oh, babe, I can smell that lie from here.
-But there´s one that surely stands out, right? -he insists.
-Don´t you have a captain? -Dedrick takes part again -. That would be the most
remarkable position.
-Well, it's not exactly a position and not everyone wants to be captain, but I guess.
-He´s just being modest. He's the captain, and the quarterback, which is the most
remarkable position -Emma intervenes.
-Wow, that's impressive.
-Thanks, Dedrick, but it's not really. Usually, the quarterback is the captain, so.
-So it's still very impressive. I feel like I'm sitting next to a famous person -Jackson says.
-He will be someday -. Everyone can tell how proud Emma is of him.
-I´m reconsidering you dating my sisters. Any of them.
-I appreciate it, Richard, but I´d like to wait until they are adults. Especially the one
with the diapers.
You would think by their laughs that Robert is already becoming one of the braniacs.
Everyone loves him, right?
You are not seeing Elliot´s face, boo.
-I´m going to write “not apparent professional reasons”. We´ll leave the others for
later because I can't think of anything right now. Can any of you?
Everyone shakes their head. But wait for Elliot.
-We can add jerkiness.
-Is that a word? -Dedrick asks.
-I mean, in the football team, it would be a miracle to find someone who doesn't
fit in that category -he directly stares at Robert.
-You would be surprised with what you can find outside of the team -. Keep the burns
coming, guys. I'm here for them.
-Stop that. Rich, moving on.
-Yess, boss. Love stories. Was Sherone involved in any relationship?
-No that I'm aware of. Again, we weren't the best of friends, so he probably wouldn't
have told me.
-Didn´t you ever notice anything? -Emma inquiries.
-Usually, the partners go to the matches. I´ve never seen anyone congratulate him
after a game or anything. At least, not effusively enough to be more than a friend.
-What about his locker? -Robert thinks about it, and then a light bulb comes
out of his head. Metaphorically.
-I once saw a cheerleader ribbon. Maybe there was someone from the squad involved
with him and that's why he had one of those. I didn´t thought much about it at the time,
but it's the only reason I can think of why he had that bow.
-And the question now is whose -Rich says, closing his notebook.
Chapter 4. Not getting tired of the book yet.
The braniacs close the door and the windows when they arrive at their class. They really
think they´re the FBI.
Rich spreads on a table a massive sheet of paper with pictures stuck to it. They all sit
around it. Yes, once again, on the table.
-First suspect: the owner of the ribbon -Rich says, pointing with his finger the picture
corresponding to what he's saying.
-Did you actually print out a photograph of a ribbon? Couldn't you just write the word?
-Yes, Emma, I could have, but I am a professional -. No one can hold their laughs -. Jackson,
how is the research going?
-There´s not any identification in the ribbons. Some of the girls actually saw their
initials on the outfits so they don´t mixed the uniforms. They have to make sure they
have the right size to be comfortable. However, no one gives a shit about the
ribbons. If they get someone else's, then be it.
-Shit, okay. I can't say I didn't expect that -Emma takes the lead -. I notice that they
don't usually wear them.
-No, they don´t. It's just for competitions. They also wear them sometimes while training
to make sure they don´t fall off while they´re tumbling, but that's all. The ribbons don´t
leave the gym.
-And how the fuck did Sherone have one? -Elliots wonders.
-Maybe some girl really wanted him to have it -Dedrick guesses.
-Or maybe something happened during a competition, and that's when it got lost -Emma
adds -. They also wear them during the matches, don´t they? -Jackson nods -. So, let's
find out when was both the last football match and the last cheerleading competition.
-But are we sure it's a girl? I mean, boys don´t wear ribbons, but they might have one.
-Oh, Rich, how progressive of you -. Yes, Jakson is being sarcastic -. As far as I know,
they don't have one.
-There´s a problem, though. Cheerleading competitions haven't started yet. And the
night Sherone was killed was the first football match.
-How do you know all of this, Elliot?
-Don´t be so surprised, Emma. I research too, you know.
-So girls don´t take the ribbons home, right Jackson? You say they don´t leave the gym.
-I don´t think they´re allowed to.
-Therefore, there's a cheerleader locker at the gym without a ribbon.
-Wow, you want to go through their stuff?
-It´s not “going through their stuff”, Rich. It's opening their lockers. If there's a
ribbon there, fine, next locker.
-And how do we do that without getting caught? -Dedrick inquiries.
-When it´s the moment neither of them is going to go into their changing room? -the
boys shrugs -. When they're all in the middle of a stunt.
-You want us to open their lockers while they're in the gym? That´s fucking insane.
Why don't we go when they're not there?
-They don't owe the gym. The volleyball team trains there, the basketball team
trains there. And, besides, if we don 't know where exactly they all are, someone
could walk into the room unexpectedly to take something. Trust me, this is our safer option.
-Okay, then when do we go? I don´t think they would fucking let us just be there watching.
-Of course they won´t. But you said before they haven't gone to any competition yet.
That could only mean that try outs are upon us.
-Are we going to try out for the team? -Dedrick asks.
-No, half of us are going to try out for the team. The rest are just coming to support us,
and casually they're going to “go to the toilet” at the beginning while the squad go
through their show off routine.
-How do you know they have a show off routine? -Elliot inquiries.
-Well, I research too, you know -Emma smirks.
Rich walks into the room he thought was empty just to find Dedrick sitting there (on
an actual chair!!!) writing in a notebook.
-Oh, hey.
-Hey, man.
-What are you still doing here, Dedrick?
-Just finishing some homework. You?
-I got paranoid and felt like I left a Sherone picture around here. I´ll freak out if the
principal discovers what we´re doing.
Rich, indeed, finds a picture lying on the floor. He shows it to Dedrick, opening his
eyes a lot. Dedrick makes an ´o´ with his mouth.
-Damn, thank god you came back.
-Second World War, huh? -Rich comments getting closer to Dedrick´s notes -. Why
are your printed letters so big?
-Um, I probably need glasses.
-And that typography. I have the same class and it's a different font in my notes.
Luckily, Rich is the second best braniac (we worship you, Emma), so he doesn't need
much more time to figure out what's happening.
-D, are you dyslexic?
-Please don´t tell people.
Rich sits in front of him. Dedrick doesn't look him in the eye.
-I won´t, but why do you keep it a secret? There´s nothing to be embarrassed about.
-People already think I´m dumb. I don't want to give them a reason to support the idea.
-Come on, you´re not dumb. You just sometimes need more time than others. That's all.
You wouldn't be in this group if you weren't useful.
-Thanks, Ricky. Really.
-You don't have to call me that -he says, but his smile tells a different story -. I told you
guys I'm used to the name.
-I know. But that doesn't mean you like it, does it? -Rich´s smirks.
-I told you. Not dumb.
Dedrick's smile could warm anyone's heart. And surely makes the job with Rich.
-How did you know I was dyslexic?
-Remember Sabrina, my sister? They told her when she was ten.
-Oh. I´m sorry for her.
-Don´t be. Yes, she has to work harder, but she's planning on being valedictorian
when she graduates, and I really believe she's going to get it.
-Yeah? What's her secret?
-A lot of hours sitting at her desk. A lot of motivation. And a big brother that helps
her whenever she needs it.
-I wish I had someone like you to help me out when I was younger.
-You have me now -Rich sincerely says -. Ask for help everytime you need it, D.
-Thank you. R.
Rich meant to just pat Dedrick´s hand. Somehow, he ended up holding it. On top of that,
Dedrick smiles again.
Rich isn't sure what is happening. He never felt those butterflies in his stomach before.
Especially not due to another guy´s smile.
He lets go of his friend's hand, clears his throat, and makes up that he needs to leave.
Dedrick just keeps sitting down, watching Rich like he isn't aware of what just happened.
But he is not dumb.
Chapter 5. Braniacs meet cheerleading.
The group stands at the gym´s door, as if it is their first time there. Well, it probably is.
-Hey, I know that girl -Emma says, pointing at T-shirt girl -. She´s… um… -T-shirt girl?
-Wow, you really know her -Elliot rolls his eyes.
Emma waves at her when she's looking at them, and the girl actually waves back.
She, in fact, approaches them.
-Told you -Emma whispers.
-Hi. Emma, isn't it?
-Yes, I can't believe you remember.
-Well, to be fair, Robert is always talking about you.
-Does he now? -Elliot murmurs. Emma reproaches him with her eyes.
-Oh, sorry, guys. I´m Samantha -Samantha! Right, from math class. Jeez, sorry about
that -. Are you all trying out?
-No, me and… uh… Jackson are here as a support -Elliot quickly answers. Yep,
they should have decided the roles before.
-Cool. Then I see you three out there.
-Why the hell did you say that? -Emma asks Elliot when Samantha is gone.
-I can't believe you left me out of the tryouts. Bitch, I can do the splits.
-You´re such a stereotype.
-Guys, stop, it's okay. We three will do the… things… they ask us to do, and you two
go investigate -Rich concludes the argument.
-I don't want to try out -Emma complaints.
-Come on, Em, it's going to be fun -Dedrick is already in the cheerleading spirit.
Rich looks at him, but he immediately redirects his glance when Dedrick´s amazing smile
strikes again.
-Ug, fuck me -Emma says, taking off her shirt.
-Hey, wow -they all freak out.
-It´s a sport top, you idiots. I came prepared, just in case -he says, looking directly at
Elliot. He shrugs smiling, very pleased with himself.
-All the wannabes gather round -captain CHARLOTTE (I know this one) orders clapping
her hands to get everyone's attention.
-The show is about to start. Be careful, be fast, and be productive -Emma commands as
the leader she is.
Elliot and Jackson nod and sneak out as soon as the cheering performance starts. The three
left sit there and watch.
-How are we supposed to open their lockers? -Jackson asks when they're in.
-I have no fucking idea. Look first in their bags and we'll figure it out as we go.
While they do that, Emma, Rich and Dedrick curse the plan. The second the performance is
over, all the cheerleaders put on their bows.
-Fuck. They have them here.
-Why didn't they wear them for the show? Isn't that the point? -Rich desperately inquires.
-Do you all see these? -Charlotte asks, pointing to her own ribbon -. This is what you want
to get today -wow, I didn't know tryouts were that intense.
-They all have one -Dedrick notices.
-Rich, are they responding?
-No, but I´ll keep texting.
Jackson and Elliot are too busy to check their phones. They´ve been registering every girl´s
bag for like ten minutes. Now, you would think they haven't found any ribbons since the
cheerleaders have them outside.
Guess again.
-I have Brittany, Rachel, Charlotte, Claudia, Joanna and Iris. Thank fucking god they have
name tags in every single bag. Where you at, Jackson?
-Most of them are missing, I guess they're in their lockers. I did find Melody´s and I think
this is Ashley´s but I'm not sure -he responds holding a ribbon as if it was a dirty tissue -. It
just says in her tag “A. T.”. I think she's the only one whose initial is “A”, right? I don´t
know her last name.
-It´s not her last name, it is her middle name, Taylor. Hey, here is Julie´s. Okay, so we
have to try and open the following lockers: Samantha´s, Debbie´s, Carolyn´s and Lucy´s.
Is my list right?
-I think so.
-Try Debbie´s. I'll go with Lucy´s.
Elliot points out the corresponding lockers. They´re lucky the cheerleaders also decided
to decorate their lockers, mainly with stickers with their initials.
-How did you know Ashley´s middle name? My research didn´t go that far and I was in charge
of doing it.
-It wasn´t research. I dated her last year.
Jackson immediately stops his guessing job with the locker.
-Bitch. What?
-Why are you so surprised? I date, you know -. Do you, though?
-I didn't picture you with a cheerleader. That's all -. Elliot crosses his arms and stares at him.
-You´re prejudging, not only me, but also her.
-Look, I just think we all have a certain… status. And yours is not hers -. Jackson points
at Ashley´s bag.
-You´re just being a snob.
Elliot opens Lucy's locker. He turns around with the purpose of smirking at his group
mate. His branmate. Nope, doesn't sound right.
-How did you do that?
-It´s her birthday date.
-Don´t tell me you also dated her.
-It was last week. She brought Toblerone to class for everyone. Apparently, she thinks
she's four.
-Hey, that's the Elliot I know. Not the one who dates cheerleaders.
-Come on, bro. You think that's weird but the Robert-Emma thing is just so natural?
-They´ve been friends since forever, it's different.
-Right. What are you doing? We're in the middle of something to be checking your phone.
-I´m stalking Debbie´s Instagram to see if she has her birthday or something. I can't figure
out her combination number. Huh, this is odd.
-What is?
-Rich texted me. He says everyone has a ribbon out there -. Elliot frowns while he reads
the text.
-Then what are these?
The boys were too late responding. Emma, Rich and Dedrick are already on the field.
On the mat. Whatever, they´re trying to follow Charlotte's steps as she teaches all of
them the routine they´re supposed to follow afterwards.
-Okay, that's it. If you´re thinking you didn´t get enough time to learn the coreo, you
shouldn't be here. Now, form groups of three and get in line. Go, go, go!
-This girl scares me.
-Don´t worry, D. We´re obviously not getting in the team. How the hell are we supposed
to dance this? We barely learn the steps.
-Isn´t this nice? We´re going first -says a terrified Emma as everyone form the line behind them.
They walk to the mat and stand in a ´V´ formation. Charlotte stares at them in discontent.
-Aren´t they the braniacs.
-That´s us -Rich says.
-Can I ask what you guys are doing here? I thought your little group is all you needed.
-Well, since everyone in the school hate us, and we were forbidden to investigate
the… murder, we figured we´d try something new -Emma improvises.
-Fine. Let's see what you got.
Charlotte turns on the music. Rich was smart enough to be the corner of the ´V´ so he
could stay in the back, therefore Dedrick and Emma would be at front and he could
follow their lead. However, he didn't realize that they can actually dance, and they did
learn the routine properly.
The team captain obviously didn't know, either. Everyone is as impressed as she is. At
some point, Rich just gives up and tries not to look ridiculous while Emma and Dedrick
do the splits.
-You´re just jealous -Jackson says, trying to open Samantha's locker. Elliot succeeded
with Carolyn´s, which did have a ribbon, and so did Debbie´s. Turns out, people can find
out anything with people´s Instagram.
-Of what?
-Why would I be jealous?
-Oh, honey.
-Don´t fucking “oh, honey” me. He's just a classic stupid jock. It's not my fault I can't stand him.
-So Emma has nothing to do with it?
-Why would she?
-Bitch, you´re trying to tell me you don't have a crush on her? -Elliot seethes.
-Of course I don´t. You read Sydney´s article -. Yay, me again -. In any case, she's the
one who has a crush on me. I couldn't possibly like her. She´s a pathetic, ugly chic.
-Wow, easy red hair. You don´t get to talk about her like that.
-Don´t worry, Jackson. I couldn't care less about his opinion.
Elliot turns his head to see Emma leaning on the door frame. He tries to mumble
something but she doesn't let him speak.
-The tryouts are almost over. I came to tell you to hurry up and help you guys. I hope
that's not too pathetic for you.
-You texted Rich that you guys also found ribbons here, right? -Jackson nods, staring
at Elliot. He hasn´t pronounced a word yet -. Is anyone´s missing?
-Not for now. We only have this one left -he answers pointing to Samantha's locker.
Emma frowns as she thinks of something.
-Let me try.
She handles the padlock for a while and she finally opens it. They guys stare at her, shocked.
No ribbon on the inside.
Chapter 6. I hope Samantha is not the murderer, I like her.
Robert almost chokes with the water he's drinking as Emma approaches him dressed in
the cheerleader uniform.
-I got it -she says, faking a smile while she drops her new bag on the floor.
-I´m going to need more information.
-I can´t tell you right now. Please come home after school.
-Oh my god, I definitely will. I just can´t stop staring at your skirt -he, indeed, is unable to.
She hits him laughing and they start jokingly fighting like they're two high schoolers
clearly not wanting to admit how in love they are with each other.
-Emma -Elliot calls her with a not very friendly face -. Group.
-I´ll see you later -she says to Robert.
-Please do.
-Shut up.
Elliot´s obviously bothered about her being unable to stop smiling at her best friend. He
just stares at the two of them with his arm crossed.
Babe, you called her pathetic and ugly. Please do everyone a favor and leave her alone.
They, again, lock the entire room.
-What are we going to do about Samantha? -Dedrick starts the conversation.
-I really don't think she´s the killer -Emma responds.
-Right now, we can't trust anyone. Let's just put her in the suspects list and we´ll see -Rich
says-. Maybe she´s not the murderer, but she´s the reason someone else wanted to kill Sherone.
-Like, she has another boyfriend or something? -Jackson wonders.
-For instance. Or Sherone had another partner. Love triangles are hard.
Elliot can't help but glance at Emma. She, on the other hand, couldn't care less about it.
-But we agreed that it had to be someone from the team, right? Because it was before the
match. They didn't have time to go in the locker room without being seen -Dedrick points out.
-Em, what are you thinking about? -Rich asks. She´s frowning and looking at no one.
-Why didn't they pretend it was an accident?
-What do you mean? -Dedrick intervenes.
-It´s obviously a murder. And not only did they not try to pretend like it was an accident,
or suicide, but they also committed the crime when everyone was expecting to see
Sherone. If they had killed him at his house, or in the streets, or even between classes it
would be more difficult to know when it happened. Especially for us, the police will
figure it out, but not us. However, it was such a short period of time between the boys
changing their clothes when they all saw him alive and the beginning of the match when
we all knew something was up that there is no doubt when and where it happened.
-The murderer wanted to be discovered? -Elliot guesses.
-I don't think so. I reckon it's more like a rush situation.
-Maybe they fight right before the game -Jackson devises -. Maybe Sherone was going
to say something about the argument and the murderer could not allow that to happen.
Emma points at him, nodding. Jackson smiles in satisfaction.
-How do you prepare a murder in such short notice? -Dedrick wonders.
-You don´t -Emma says, catching everyone's attention -. My guess is, this was coming
from a long time ago. It went all as planned. They did fight before the game. Don´t ask me
why I know, but I am positive. However, the murderer thought that we would all reckon
it was another player who killed him. Or the coach. Or the cheerleader, whose lockers are
next to theirs. But we wouldn't think about someone from the outside because there would
be no time for them to go into the locker room and get out without anyone seeing them.
-But how did they do it, then?
Emma thought about it for a while, looking around her. Her face brightens up with a realization.
Instead of answering Rich´s question, she points to the vent screwed on the wall.
As the group leaves the classroom, Rich takes Emma´s arm and pulls her to the side.
He waits until everyone else is gone, her being extremely confused.
-I stared at your boobs -he confesses.
-Um, okay, please don´t?
-No, you don´t understand. I couldn't help but stare at your boobs.
-Well, if God can forgive you, so can I.
-Like, I´m not gay, right?
-Wow, this is taking an odd turn.
Rich sights, deciding whether to tell Emma about what's going on.
-I had a… moment the other day. With Dedrick.
-Uhhh -we´re all as excited as you are, Em. I'm calling her Em now, sue me.
-But it was probably nothing.
-But maybe it was.
-Sorry, Rich, I'm confused.
-Yeah, so am I. That's the point of this conversation.
-Okay. You definitely think you like girls.
-I do.
-And maybe you like guys.
-Do I?
-You had a moment with Dedrick.
-What if I made it up in my head? Maybe I´m getting butterflies over nothing.
-Then you still like boys. Just maybe he doesn't like you back.
-What should I do?
-Conversion therapy?
-Nothing if you don't want to. Look, you´re probably bisexual, but you don´t have
to come out if you don´t want to. You can if you want to, though. And, if you like Dedrick,
go for it. He is bi, you know that.
-I do know that. Thanks, Em.
-Anytime, keep me posted.
-I will. And, please, don´t tell anyone about this.
Emma pretends her mouth is a zipper and closes it.
-How did you know Samantha's locker code, anyway?
Robert and Emma lay down on her mattress in a perfect right angle, her heads touching.
It's like they want to be the lead ship on someone's book.
Hold on.
-Wild guess -Robert raises his eyebrows, waiting for her to tell -. It was Sherone´s T-shirt
number three times in a row.
-How did you…?
-The memorial, remember? -Emma anticipates his question -. The T-shirt was just standing
there all the time. The image haunts me.
-I can't believe they were together and no one knew.
-I´m guessing someone knew, but we don't know who that is.
-Probably Brad. They were good friends.
-Besides, it's kind of the usual, isn't it?
-What is?
-A cheerleader and a football player dating. It's literally the stereotype.
-Yeah, maybe. But I don't reckon any other teammate is dating a cheerleader.
-What about you?
-What about me?
-Have you ever thought about dating someone from the squad?
Robert stares at Emma in disbelief. She keeps looking at the ceiling.
-Not really. Why would I?
-You´re the quarterback. It's what makes sense -Emma shrugs -. I´ve seen how they all
look at you.
Robert glances at her once again, but she's still avoiding eye contact.
-I´m not much of a dater guy. If I ever date, it would be someone who I really like, you
know? I can't make out with whoever. And, honestly, I don´t think I´ll ever feel comfortable
enough with anyone from school. I mean, besides you, obviously. I couldn't feel more
comfortable with you.
Now, they both stare at each other.
Please kiss. This would be the perfect time. I need to be a bestseller.
But the damn doorbell rings, forcing them to break the moment.
-Who the hell is it? -Emma stands up to go to the foyer. Robert just stares at her while
she leaves the room.
She opens the door and finds all the braniacs standing there. Emma´s cool enough to not
care about not be wearing any pants.
-What in the actual fuck are you doing here?
-We have a lead -says Rich, showing her some cardboard.
-How do you know where I live?
-My tap dance studio is right down the street. I´ve seen you go out some time -Dedrick responds.
-Okay, that is not creepy at all. None of you thought about telling me you were coming?
-Bitch, I texted you but you didn't respond.
-Have you ever heard of calling?
They clearly didn't think about it by the face they´re all making.
-Emmy, who is it?
I know how this looks. Emma is wearing a long T-shirt with no pants and a shirtless
Robert gets out of her bedroom.
The braniacs are thinking the same thing.
-Oh, hey guys. I didn't know you were meeting today.
-Neither did I -Emma reproaches the group with her eyes fixed on them.
-I can leave if you want to.
-I don't want to. I want them to leave.
-But the lead… -Rich whines.
-Emmy, if you don't mind me meddling, we could all hang out for a while.
-I mind… -Elliot murmurs.
-Can you go grab some ice cream? I´ll handle this -Robert nods and heads to the kitchen.
Emma doesn't have time to reprimand the guys.
-What were you guys doing? -Jackson asks in a “uhhh” voice.
-Are you finally dating? I´ve been shipping you two for years -Dedrick intervenes.
-How come he knows where you live but we don´t? You could invite us sometime -Rich,
again, whines.
-Can we seriously not talk about this tomorrow?
-This is important. And we have to be very careful at school so we don't get caught by
the principal. I´d really rather do this here, now.
Emma just stares at them, deciding whether or not to transfer schools.
-They´re staying -she says so Robert can hear her from the kitchen, but he's in the corridor.
-Already took six spoons -he answers, showing the cutlery and the ice cream tub.
Chapter 7. Waiting for some drama to happen.
Once again, the braniacs and the school superstar exist in the same room without Emma
in the middle. She went to her room to actually put on some pants.
-Are her parents out? -Jackson desperately tries to make the situation less awkward. Robert
-She lives alone -. The entire group glances at him in shock. Even Dedrick stops eating
ice cream -. I'm surprised you guys didn't know that.
-What do you mean she lives alone? We´re seventeen -Elliot inquires.
-Her family moved back to Spain last year. She stayed so she could finish high school
with all of us.
-Did she mention us when she decided to stay? -Rich asks.
-Of course. This group means the world to her.
-Aww -they all say. Except, obviously, Elliot.
-Okay, let's get this started with -she says arriving in the living room. Everyone stares
at her -. What?
-Nothing. We were just waiting for you. Because you mean a lot to us -. Nice, Rich.
-What did you tell them? -she interrogates Robert, sitting next to him on the couch.
-Probably more than I should have, apparently.
-What was so important? -Emma asks, grabbing a spoon and sharing the ice cream with Dedrick.
-I have the school blueprint.
Rich spreads out the cardboard on the coffee table, forcing Dedrick to take the ice
cream tub, taking it away from Emma.
-We´ll take turns -he says with his mouth full.
-How the fuck did you get this?
-I have resources, Elliot. Anyways, I thought about what you said -. Rich points at
Emma, then at the cardboard -. Vents. Genius. There's one right in front where Sherone
was found dead. He was sitting next to the door, right? -He now points at Robert.
-And did the bullet come from a high angle?
-How would I know that? -Rich, you're scaring the quarterback.
-Nevermind, I'm sure it was. It's the perfect scenario. Everyone would think it was
someone from the inside, like you said, Emma, but it could have been literally anyone.
-Great, so now our suspects are the entire world -she says. Rich thinks about it for a second.
-Well, technically, yes. But we have dismissed every football player. They were all on
the field, that's something.
-The cheerleaders were also there to see us. I think everyone from the squad was
already at the bleachers -Robert points out.
-Wait, did we break into four girls' lockers for nothing? Bitch, what a waste of time!
-Not for nothing. Maybe Samantha knows something. I think it's good information to
have -Dedrick says.
Emma remembers the ice cream as soon as he speaks, so she extends her hand in order
to take it back. The German guy screws up his face and passes the tub. Both Robert
and Emma start eating with the same spoon, which makes Elliot stare at them in hatred.
-But we can't just go and interrogate her, though -says Rich -. Remember: we´re doing
this undercover.
-Then what the fuck are we suppossed to do?
-We follow the map. Look, here´s the locker room vent. It's like a maze, the one´s in the
back of cereal boxes -. Rich´s fingers go across the paths.
-That´s a lot of vents. Are we planning on checking all them up?
-We don't need to, Jackson. If you were to go across the entire pipe system in the school,
which one would you choose?
-The closest to the one I´m going for?
Rich points at him. Emma gets closer to the map to mentally draw the mazes.
-It´s the chemistry laboratory.
-Then we start there.
-Sorry, I don't mean to interfere, but what are you guys expecting to find there? -Robert asks.
-Maybe a hair. Maybe some fingertips. Or maybe just to get a closer idea of what the
murder head was. Sort of like impressionate them to understand them -. They do think
they´re CSI.
-Do you have a fucking problem with our system? We´ve done this before, you know?
-I mean, you haven't solved any actual crime. You´re more likely to guess who copied in
the math exam. Surprise, it was everyone.
-Just because we haven't done this before doesn't mean we can´t succeed -Dedrick defends
the group.
-I don´t know. I reckon you guys have a higher view of yourself than you actually are.
Oops, here is the drama we´ve all been waiting for.
-So much for not wanting to interfere. Asshole… -Elliot murmurs. This time, no one reprimands
him for the insult. Guess the perfect dude is not as perfect as they thought.
-Rob, why don´t you go home? We´ll talk tomorrow, okay?
-Seriously? Emmy, I didn't mean to be rude, I just wanted to be honest.
-I know. But I think only the braniacs should be looking into this -she says, touching
the blueprint -. You´re going to get bored, anyways.
Robert glances at the boys, but they´re all avoiding eye contact. It's probably the
first time he's not welcome somewhere.
-Fine. Whatever -he mumbles.
Everyone stays silent as the quarterback leaves the room. It's not until they hear
the entrance door closing that they go on with the vents and the mazes.
She said that they would talk tomorrow, but no text has arrived to Robert´s phone. He
understood how what he said yesterday could be interpreted as mean. However, his mind
stands by what he said. He changed his mind. He now reckons the principal was right.
They should stay out of it.
The only thing that kept him from saying it is that, deep down, he knows this is what Emma
lives for.
But he's not texting first. She literally kicked him out of her house.
It's the first time they have a feud. They always meet before class to talk for a bit.
Today, Robert is lost in his own school.
He decides to go to the football field. He arrived early anyways, since he didn't sleep
that well. It would be good to get some exercise done at the beginning of the day, he
believes. He could use some serotonin.
Nonetheless, the locker room is not empty. He's very aware that absolutely no one from
his team would rise early to go to school.
Robert cautiously enters the room, trying to see who's inside before calling someone.
Normally, this wouldn't be so strange. However, since Sherone, no one feels safe anywhere.
The cheerleader turns around as soon as she hears the football player´s voice.
-Hi, Robert -she casually says, obviously freaking out, and clearly trying to hide something
behind her back. She wouldn't make a very good Kim Possible.
-What are you doing here?
-I´m just… -she tries to come up with something, but it's apparent what is happening.
-Just getting your ribbon back? -he guesses after seeing Sherone´s locker open. Sammie
looks both surprised and concerned.
-How do you know?
-I saw the ribbon in his locker a couple weeks ago. I didn´t know who it belonged to.
-And now you do.
-And now I do.
-Please don´t tell anyone.
-Why? What's going on?
Samantha looks preoccupied. Robert starts feeling a bit guilty about wanting to
interrogate her. However, he knows this would make up for what he did yesterday. This
is his way to gain the braniacs trust again.
Why do you want it though, Robert?
He sits on the nearest bench and waits for Samantha to do the same thing. She gives up,
closes Sherone´s locker and takes a seat in front of him.
-We dated for a few months -she waits for Robert´s reaction, but she doesn't get any -. You
knew. How?
-I… overheard him talking about it -he improvises, protecting Emma and the group.
-Wow. I thought it was supposed to be a secret -. The guilt strikes back again. Sherone
was probably keeping it a secret, and Robert is now smearing his memory -. I gave
him my ribbon a month ago as a symbol. Like, “take this and I will always be with you”
crap. I know it´s stupid.
-It´s not.
Robert warmingly smiles at her, trying to make it up for tarnishing his reputation as a
secret boyfriend. Samantha gives a hint of a smile.
-Apparently, we weren't on the same page. He broke up with me a week ago. He insisted
on keeping the ribbon, though. I'm not sure why. I thought it was okay since I wouldn't
need it anymore -she shrugs -. The squad bought some new improved ribbons. But now
Charlotte insists on hanging the old ones on the gym wall. I needed it back. I figured no
one would be here so early in the morning. Clearly, I wasn't counting on the captain.
-To be fair, I´m never here at this time of the day. Come any other day and not a soul would
be here.
-Wow, lucky me. Always making the best decisions.
Robert feels bad for Samantha. She looks very upset with the situation. He feels even
worse when he realizes he needs to keep asking some more stuff.
-I don´t mean to be nosy, but why did he want to split up? He wouldn't keep your ribbon
if he wasn't into you.
-That´s what I thought, too. He said that it wasn't personal. “It's not me, it's him”. He just
said, “I have a huge deal that I have to take care of”. Like, he didn't have time for me anymore.
Suddenly, Robert understands the braniacs passion. He needs to know more about it.
-I don´t know what was that about -she continues -. Hell, I don't even know if this was
what got him killed.
Chapter 8. I'm kind of getting invested in the case.
-Why are you dressed like that? -Jackson enquires when both Dedrick and Emma
show up in the cheerleading uniforms.
-We made the team, remember? -she responds.
-We figured it would be weird if we just quit right after we audition.
-Besides, since Samantha has probably something to do with Sherone, we might as
well be there undercover.
Elliot arrives at the chemistry lab followed by Rich. The latter stops when he sees
Dedrick dressed in those tight sweatpants.
-Hi -the apparently now cheerleader greets.
-Hi -Rich shyly says.
-Is this like a Heartstopper vibe? -Jackson whispers to Elliot.
-What´s Heartstopper?
-Oh, honey, you don't deserve to live -. Don't be so offended, Elliot. We´re all thinking
the same thing. Maybe for other reasons too.
-You look nice -Rich continues.
-Aw, thanks.
Dedrick openly smiles, clearly pleased with the comment. Rich tries to erase his silly
smile when he glances at Emma who just stares at him, opening her eyes widely in
surprise and, honestly, mockery. He clears his throat and starts the meeting (?) as if nothing
big is going on, like him discovering his sexuality.
-So, that's the alleged vent, huh?
-That´s the bitch -Jackson confirms.
-Turns out, it's freaking small -Emma says.
-Is it?
-Dedrick lifted me up a bit earlier, and I definitely don't fit in there.
-Already practicing your stunts, aren't you?
-You´re hilarious, Elliot. Anywho, I´m too fat, Dedrick´s too tall, and Jackson and you
are probably too wide. So…
They all look at Elliot, who´s both the shortest and the leanest.
-Are you fucking serious?
-Come one, tiny Elliot Page.
-He´s already short. I´m not shorter than him, Emma.
-Aren´t you, though?
Elliot (not Page, the ginger one) rolls his eyes. Dedrick puts his hands together in
order to help him reach the vent, but the jerk (I think you can tell who I am talking
about this time) decides to set a chair closer to it.
I´m trying to write this story as an impartial writer, but he's just an idiot.
Luckily, his body is useful enough to get him into the vents.
-You weren't kidding, this is fucking small -he says from the inside.
-Are you able to crawl? -Rich asks.
-Sort of, but it´s fucking hard.
-Are you thinking what I'm thinking? -Emma speaks to Rich.
-The murderer was a smurf.
-I heard that! -Elliot complaints. The echo from the vent material makes it quite funny
actually, so they all laugh. Even him.
However, his smile fades when it turns out this wasn´t a total waste of time after all.
-Holy shit -he murmurs. Nevertheless, the echo makes the sound travel to the classroom.
-Is everything okay? -Dedrick asks.
-Pull my feet! -Elliot requests.
R and D (this is what I'm calling them now) do so, and this time the ginger guy
allows them to help him.
-Is that the shell of the bullet? -Emma inquires once she sees what Elliot is holding
between his fingers.
-You´re damn right it is. Em, you discovered the actual crime scene.
By coincidence, this is the exact moment in which Robert appears at the door. This is not
me writing it for narrative convenience. He actually shows up right after Elliot speaks.
-Hey, guys. I know I´m probably “persona non grata”, but I've spoken with Sammie.
They decide to sit (you guessed correctly) on the tables to let Robert explain. Guys, this is
where we make chemistry experiments and stuff. I don´t think you should be sitting there.
-There´s something I don´t understand -says Rich, after Robert is done with the story
time -. Why was it a secret?
-Apparently, it was Sherone´s request. She just assumed he didn't want everyone´s being
dramatic and nosy about them going out.
-I still can't believe she agreed to hide the relationship -Emma says.
-Well, Sammie did say that she was kind of desperate about dating him. Sherone´s has
been her crush since forever and she didn't want to do anything to upset him, not even
wonder why he was so secretive about having a girlfriend.
-Poor Samantha -Dedrick pities her -. I wouldn't date someone who's embarrassed of me.
-I mean, it wasn't like that -Rich intervenes, clearly (to me, at least) feeling alluded to -. He
just wanted privacy. I get that -he avoids making eye contact with Dedrick, who just stares at him.
-Anyhow -Elliot changes the subject -. We can agree on the fact that she didn't do it,
right? And, since she doesn´t know much about Sherone´s fucking super private secret -those
are a lot of adjectives -she´s kind of useless, isn´t she?
-Well, we already decided that none of the cheerleaders was able to come here and commit the
crime, so I guess she is -Emma confirms.
-Wait, did you guys already decide that your theory about the vents is right? -No one appreciates
Robert´s skeptical tone.
Elliot just shows him the shell he previously found, which he´s still holding.
-Holy shit.
-That´s what I said.
-So what 's next?
Silence looms over the room. They definitely did not forget about your comment,
dear Robert. I mean, it was yesterday after all, so. You know.
-Look, I'm sorry about what I said. I clearly underestimated you guys. But I'm invested in
the crime -hey, so am I. I´ll name the chapter after it -. Sherone was my teammate, and I
feel kind of responsible about his death since I was the captain and it happened right before a game.
-Not everything is about you, Robert -Elliot says.
-I know. I just… -he shrugs -. I want to make things right, but I don't know what´s that
anymore. But I do know that I want to help you. Truly.
-You know, there´s something you can actually help us with.
-What do you mean, Emma? -Jackson asks, confused.
-There´s no way no one knows what was going on with Sherone. That super big secret. I bet
someone does.
-Someone like Brad Hudson? -Robert guesses. Emma points at him.
-We can't interrogate him. But you can talk to him.
-Sorry, I didn't know you were here.
-This is the second time you casually find me here by myself, R. I´m going to start thinking
that you're stalking me -Rich laughs, and there´s Dedrick´s smile again. This time, the
former doesn't try to look away and let his emotions flow.
-Why do you do your homework here, though?
-It´s quieter. My parents fight everyday, so I feel more comfortable here.
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-It´s okay, I know they will eventually get a divorce. Honestly, I´m kind of hoping for it at
this point.
-You can crash at my place anytime you need it. You know it's basically a daycare center but
Rich can't help but blush when Dedrick laughs at his joke.
-Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.
They both just stare at each other, practically killing me. Please, just make out, we're dying here.
-Did you forget something again? We didn't come here today.
-Actually, I sometimes sit here to think. About the cases, of course. It gets me in the mood.
-Don´t let me stop you. I'll keep going with the math.
Rich nods and walks by Dedrick´s desk to go sit (obviously) on a table. On his way,
he accidentally grazes some notebooks and they drop on the floor.
-Shit, sorry.
He kneels down to recollect them, but Dedrick also tries to pick them up, so their faces
end up inches from each other.
Come one, guys. You are making this novel look like a cliché. Get your shit together.
-Hey, Rich, I saw you coming here. Robert has some doubts about… -Emma immediately
stops talking once she realizes what the situation is -. What you guys doing? -Em,
lower the excited tone, you´re going to scare the boys. Quit the smirk.
-Nothing -. Rich quickly stands up and separates himself from Dedrick.
Emma looks confused, probably because she already put her mind around the ship between
the two of them since the conversation with Rich.
-I´ll go talk to Robert.
He doesn't wave goodbye, nor says a word to Dedrick. He just leaves the room.
-What´s his deal? -Emma asks. Dedrick shrugs -. Are you okay?
-Yeah. I just… -he glances at her -. Nevermind. It's fine.
Emma hesitates. The conversation with Rich is supposed to be a secret. However,
since Dedrick is involved in it, it shouldn't be a problem.
She approaches him and sits (oh, of course) on the table in front of him. Dedrick, you
were sitting on a chair, why are you changing your spot.
You just can't take these people off tables, can´t you? Anyways, he sits on the table he
was previously working at.
-He told me.
-Told you what?
-That you two had a moment.
-Did he? -Dedrick can't help but grin. Emma smiles back -. And what did he say?
-Well, first of all, I should keep it a secret, so please don't tell anyone, especially
him, that I am revealing it.
-My lips are sealed.
-He is a bit confused, to be honest. But I reckon he's in the process of accepting that he
might like you.
-Do you think he likes me?
-I think he's trying to deny it. But, yes, I do think so. He's not sure though, this is just my instinct.
-If I didn't trust your instinct, I wouldn't be in this group.
Emma reaches his hand to hold it. Here they are the most wholesome people at this school.
-Be patient. I know you´ve had a crush on him since forever.
-How do you know that?
They both stare at each other with a knowing look. When Emma is going to leave
the furniture, his voice stops her.
-Are you okay?
-Me? -she asks, surprised.
-About Robert.
-Oh, yeah, well. It was an unfortunate comment but…
-And Elliot.
Emma looks at Dedrick, analyzing his words.
-What do you mean?
-You know what I mean. I have an instinct too.
She sighs, not because she doesn't want to tell Dedrick, but because she doesn't know what to tell.
-It´s… complicated. I don't know how Sydney -that´s me, guys! -found out that I like
Elliot. I´ve been trying to hide it and get over it for so long that I thought I was nearly there.
Holy shit, I was right. I can't believe I was right.
-Don´t you want to ask him out?
-God no -Dedrick laughs -. Look, I appreciate him being in the group and all. But… I
just can't date someone so pessimistic. He's just angry all the time, and mean to everyone.
It's just annoying. I don't even know why I like him, I'm pissed off with myself for it. It
doesn't make any sense.
-I get it -he shrugs -. And what about Robert?
-What about him? -Dedrick glances at her with the most skeptical look I have ever seen
from him -. He's just Robert.
-He is in love with you, “Emmy”.
-He is definitely not in love with me.
-Of course he is.
-He´s the school superstar. The quarterback, the captain, the nicest most humble person I've
ever met. I don't even understand why he's my friend.
-No, Dedrick, these are just facts. Look, he's not as perfect as people think he is, but he's
pretty close. I would know, he's been my best friend for four years now. But I´ve always
-If he would be my friend, had I spoken English when I came here.
-What are you talking about?
-The only reason he talked to me was because he was the only Spanish speaker in the class.
The teacher was asking me so many questions that I did not understand, so Rob started
translating them for me. He's my friend because he felt sorry for me.
-That is not true. He's your friend because who wouldn't be.
-Everyone? Dedrick, I don't have a single girl friend. My only friends are a guy who pitied
me once and the group I forced myself into. And we aren't even that close. This is
the first real conversation the two of us have. I´m just the kind of person people avoid.
I´m used to being looked down on.
Dedrick lets that sink for a moment. She does have a point, though.
-You know that I am tall.
-Yes, I am aware -she responds, surprised about the subject change.
-So technically, I look down on you -he says, standing up.
-That´s not what I meant.
-I know, but hear me out. Although it seems that I look down on you -Dedrick grabs
Emma and makes her stand up on top of the chair next to the table she's sitting. Man,
that´s school property, jeez -this is how I see you.
Due to his height she's not that taller on top of the chair, but Emma still needs to look down on him.
-I look up to you, Em -. Not to be mean, but we got the metaphor.
Emma hugs him at the edge of tears, because it's still a cute gesture.
Chapter 9. I so fucked up.
This is bad, guys. I don't even know how it happened. I for sure didn't mean to.
Someone must have entered the room and hacked into my computer or something. I´m
definitely only writing from home from now on and…
-I don't give a shit about your excuses -Emma ends up my speech -. You're not writing anymore.
-What? Why?
-Why? -she can't believe my innocence. She leans towards and rests her hands on the
back of the chair. Although there's a whole table between us, I feel defenseless -. Sydney,
you've outed Rich.
-You know I´m a lesbian, Emma, from all people I know how that is and I surely didn´t…
-I get that you didn't do it on purpose -she lowers her tone -. But your book still got
leaked. I don't reckon you understand what we've been through today.
Oh, I understand. It started with absolutely everyone at school staring at the braniacs. And Robert.
And me.
Then, the cheer squad politely asked Emma and Dedrick to return their uniforms and quit.
They were so pissed, man. Not only Charlotte, who was clear about the unfriendliness of
the situation, but also all the people who tried out and got rejected because of them. It was not nice.
Afterwards, the principal called all of them to his office.
-I specifically told you not to investigate. I made myself very clear on the subject. You
violated my rules and disrespected another student's death.
-Sir, we didn´t mean…
-Save it, Mr. Wright -.That´s Jackson -. I´m aware of your concern, but there's no
excuse for this disobedience. Effect immediately, your mystery club is forbidden from school.
-But sir…
-I don't want to hear it, Mr. Müller. If I find out that you keep going with your little
investigation, I´ll suspend you all for a month.
-All due respect, sir, you have no jurisdiction over us once we leave school property.
-The crime took place on school property, and that is my jurisdiction, Ms. López -he
responded -. My job is keeping you kids safe, and this is a tricky matter. I will no doubt
take action.
I haven't seen this group so powerless as when they all had to remove from the art
class everything belonging to the Mystery Club. They also had to watch how the janitor
closed the door with a key under the principal orders.
-I really am sorry -I apologize again, although it seems meaningless.
-I know -she nods.
-What are you going to do about Sherone? -I dare to ask.
She shrugs. This is the exact thing the rest of the group had previously asked her during
çthe move out.
-This is bullshit, man -Elliot complaint.
-Honestly, I don't care about the threats, we should keep going on with the investigation -Jackson
gave his opinion.
-We can't talk to anyone from school, though -Dedrick pointed out -. Or infiltrate in any
other group. You can't imagine how mad the cheerleaders were.
-We´ll figure things out. Right, Rich?
He didn't respond to Jackson's question. He seemed so… helpless. Elliot, Jackson and
Dedrick just stared at Rich while he looked away and kept packing his things up.
-Emma? -Dedrick tried.
She glanced at them, saw their waiting-for-instructions faces, and shrugged.
She does the same thing now. She clearly has no clue about what to do.
Robert is sitting in front of Emma´s house after school. She stares at him kind of surprised.
-What are you doing here?
-I read Sydney´s book.
Emma covers her face with both hands in exasperation. Once again, I am so sorry.
-I can't deal with this anymore. It's been all day about the damn novel and…
Robert approaches her and tightly hugs her without saying a word. She immediately calms down.
-Thank you. You always know what I need.
-That´s probably because I feel so sorry for you that I need to comfort you all the time.
Emma smiles as she separates herself from him.
-I didn´t mean to imply that you consciously pity me.
Robert holds her head placing both hands on her cheeks.
-How can you ever think that you´re not genuinely my best friend. You´re my other
half, Emmy, just deal with it.
-I guess I don´t have a choice, huh?
-Yep, you´re stuck with me. Sorry not sorry.
-You know I love you.
-Do you know that I love you?
-Deep down, I do. I´ll never know why, though.
-Well, you always give me ice cream when I come to your house, so -he jokes.
-Oh, I see. Then I guess I´ll have to invite you inside to provide you with it.
-We just can't avoid it.
Not everything turned out so pretty for everyone. When Emma is about to go to
sleep, the doorbell rings.
-Rich, what are you doing here? It's half past ten.
He tries to articulate the words, but it's clearly not easy for him. Emma notices that
he's carrying a suitcase.
His eyes are red and swollen.
-So my parents read Sydney´s book -oh, shit -. Turns out, they are very homophobic -he
says trying to laugh. It's painful to watch.
-I´m sorry for coming here. I really didn't know where to go. It turns out I don´t have
any friends -oh, Ricky -. Anyways, I won't stay long, I don't want to be a bother for
you. But Robert told us that you live alone and maybe you don't mind me crashing for a few…
Emma stops him right there by hugging him.
-I am your friend, dumbass -she says.
Rich just cries his heart out.
You know what, guys? I´m not fucking leaving this book. No sir, you messed with
the wrong novelist. This is me writing from home where no one can leak the book again
until it's ready.
Don't you worry, Mr. Matthews. I´ll keep writing the school newspaper. But the book
became my entire life.
And I'm going to make sure it's ready once the braniacs find out the truth. I´m going to
make sure their reputation becomes the best at school.
If you fuck with them, you fuck with me.
-Good morning -Rich happily says while cooking something.
-Uh, hi -Emma replies, obviously confused, arriving at the kitchen -. What are you doing?
-Scrambled eggs. Do you like them, right? Oh my god, you don´t. Are you a
not-having-breakfast person? Or do you prefer cereal? I can make something else.
I cook amazing pancakes, all my siblings love them. If you just give me like ten minutes…
-Rich, stop. I like eggs, but you don't have to cook for me.
-It´s the least I can do. I´m a refugee now.
-You don't owe me anything, honey.
Emma tries the scrambled eggs on a toast as Rich presents them next to a cup of
iced coffee. She reconsiders hiring him as her personal chef.
-These are really good.
Aw, look how satisfied Rich looks with himself.
-I realized this morning that we could have a girl talk now that I´m apparently bi.
-Girl talk?
-You know, talk about boys. And girls, since you´re bi too.
-Are we twelve?
-Come one, I´m new to the guys thing -. He just looks so excited -. Okay, first question,
are we a Kit Connor or a Timothée Chalamet kind of person?
-Um… -you can tell she´s new to this too -. I guess I'm more of a Finn Wolfhard kind of person?
-Interesting. But isn't he a younger version of Timothée Chalamet? -oh my god he is.
-Oh my god, he is!
-Right? Oh, this is so cool, I´m discovering you stuff -. It's almost sad how happy he is
to finally have a friend -. Question número dos.
-Please, don´t speak spanish.
-Do we consider Zendaya our god?
Saved by the bell. Or the door ringing.
-Oh, that must be Robert.
–I´ll get it -Rich offers already leaving the room.
-You don't have to be my maid! -she shouts -. And he's gone -she says to herself.
You guys should see Robert´s face when Rich opens the door.
-Good morning. Join us on the girl talk?
-Richard, hi. What are you doing here? -he asks while forced to go inside.
-Emma has a new roommate.
-Morning -she salutes her very astonished best friend -. I´ll brush my teeth and be
ready in like ten. Pour yourself some coffee, if you want.
-Thanks -he says as Emma leaves the kitchen. Robert sits on a chair still frowning
while Rich washes the pan he used in order to do the eggs.
-Roberto, are we Zendaya supporters?
-Um, I mean, who isn´t, right?
-That´s a very good point.
-Can we get back to the roommate thing?
-Oh, sure. So, as you might know, someone leaked Sydney´s book.
-I´m aware.
-Well, my parents read it and they weren't fond of the Dedrick and me thing.
-Are you telling me that they kicked you out? -Robert inquires, shocked.
-Yep. I'm over it, though -. It was yesterday, boo -. I´m very happy here. I'm planning
on getting a job and a new apartment just for myself. It should be fun.
-I´m sorry, man.
-Seriously, I´m fine.
-Seriously, I´m sorry.
Rich stops the washing. He didn't expect Robert´s sympathy, especially since he's been
trying very hard to hide his pain. Guess the superstar is also good at reading people.
-Thanks -he sincerely says -. Anyways, how are you holding up?
-Yeah. You know, the talk Emma had with Dedrick. She admitted to liking Elliot…
-I´m not bothered by it.
-Well, I'm here if you want to talk. And you shouldn´t be bothered. He doesn't stand a
chance with her. I ́m a Robemma shipper.
-Please, don´t give us a name.
- I'm just saying. Nobody likes Elliot.
-Can I ask you something? -Rich nods, intrigued -. Why is he in your group? You´re
literally admitting that you hate him.
-It´s… complicated. We don't exactly hate him. He's just… Elliot.
-So he started the Mystery Club.
Robert is deeply surprised.
-I beg your pardon?
-Do you remember how Emma found out about it?
-Yes, I believe so. It was like an anonymous announcement on the school paper, right?
-Guess who posted it.
-Why, though? Doesn't he hate everyone?
-I think he's just lonely and wants some friends. To be honest, I feel sorry for him
most of the time. All that hatred, it's probably just internal suffering backfiring. Anywho,
we all know he started the group, and he knows we know, but neither of us ever acknowledge
it. It's like our secret rule.
-Huh -Robert just says, still reflecting on what Rich said about Elliot´s feelings -. You´re wise man.
Again that adorable self proud smile.
-Are you guys ready? -Emma asks from the hallway.
-More than ever -Rich declares.
Chapter 10. It's freaking on.
Let me walk you through a day in our high school. Every single day is more boring
than the previous one, but less than the next. Maybe it's just me being a hater. However,
most of the time, I feel like most teachers also don't give a shit about our education.
This leads to a series of hours filled with numbness. Nevertheless, this also leads to an
opportunity for reflection and observation.
Let's be real: no one takes advantage of it. But you're not counting the braniacs.
Emma doesn't just sit in chemistry class and get super bored like the rest of us. She's
thinking, planning and, most of all, analyzing. That is how she notices a freaking camera
in the middle of the room.
-Jackson -she calls him, since he's sitting a road ahead of hers -. Jackson, there's a camera there.
-It´s Ashley´s -Robert responds. He's sitting next to Emma. Obviously -. She's filming
her project. I don't really know why, I just overheard it the other day.
Emma looks around her. There´s people. I mean, duh, it's a school. The teacher is also
walking near them.
-En los conductos de ventilación de esta clase encontramos el casquillo de bala -wow,
slow down, I haven't taken a spanish class in two years.
Robert looks at the camera, then turns around to draw in his head the trajectory of the shot
to the vents. Jackson doesn´t need to take a Spanish class to get where this is going.
-Do you think the camera was filming that night? -he asks.
-I really hope so. It's worth asking, though.
-But we can´t, remember? We´re not supposed to dig in or else.
-We just need her to cooperate. Keep this a secret. Aren't you friends with her? -she then
turns to Robert.
-Barely. I think you're mixing her with Ashley Brown. I am friends with her.
-Wait, you aren't talking about Ashley T., are you? -Jackson inquiries. Robert nods while
Emma frowns.
-Are you friends with her? -she asks.
-No. But I know someone who has a closer relationship.
-There´s no fucking way -Elliot kindly responds.
Since they were banned from their classroom, they have invaded Robert and Emma´s spot.
I don't know how HE feels about it. At least now he´s part of the group, I guess.
-I can´t believe you dated a cheerleader -Rich says.
-This could be our only shot -Dedrick argues.
-Do you think my ex-girlfriend is going to trust us?
-I mean, we don't really know how the relationship was… -Jackson casually noses around,
hoping for Elliot to spill the tea.
-I can tell you one thing. I broke up the relationship, so I don´t think she´ll be very pleased
with my visit.
-You broke up with her? -the disbelief in Rich´s voice is outstanding.
-Stop. You´re fucking offending me at this point.
-So prove us wrong… -Jackson tries again. He receives the most hatred look I´ve ever seen.
-I can't just walk to her and ask her this. We haven't spoken for months. If my only excuse
to approach her is asking for a project she's doing in a class that I am not attending is
going to be awkward as hell.
-But do you think she'll report us?
Elliot shrugs.
-Probably not. But I feel bad about it, anyway.
They all glance at each other, figuring out a plan to convince him. Luckily, like I said
before, Robert is now kind of part of this.
-Ask her to the dance.
The surprise in their faces.
-You wouldn't feel so bad, you´ll have an excuse to talk to her and she´ll get a date. It´s
a win-win-win situation.
-That´s the most wins we´ve ever had -Dedrick points out.
-I´m not going to a fucking dance -. Shocker -. Besides, she's not dumb. She´ll know I´m
asking her just to get this information.
-Maybe… date her for a while before asking? -Emma suggests.
-I can´t believe you´re all on board with this. Can you see how crazy this sounds?
-It may be our only shot -she says -. Don´t you want to solve the crime?
Elliot thinks about it for a second. The braniacs stare at him hoping for a different Elliot we
all know.
-I´ll try -he, eventually, compromises.
Of course, they wouldn't let him do it by himself. As Elliot walks towards Ashley T.´s
locker, with her in front of it, the braniacs plus Robert creep from a corner hiding behind
the opposite row of lockers.
-I still can't believe she dated him -Rich insists.
-He´s kind of right, though. We´re being too annoying with it -. Dedrick has a point but,
I mean, we´re all thinking the same as Rich.
-What I can´t believe is that he didn't tell us. Well, I can believe that. But we didn't find
out -says Emma.
-Look how he leans on the lockers to talk to her. Bitch, is he cool and we weren't aware?
-No way -Rich hopes.
-She doesn't look mad -Robert points out -. He said he was the one who broke up. Is
there any chance she is still into him?
They all look… harder? at the couple. Ashley does actually look to be into Elliot, which
doesn't stop surprising everyone. Me included.
-I know he's not a monk -Rich goes on with his disbelief -. But I figured he would date
someone like him -. Mean? -. Ashley looks so…
-Nice -Jackson tries.
-Yeah -Rich agrees -. She gives off sweetness.
-I´m more interested in how they started dating. They belong to the most opposite friend
groups in the history of high school -Robert considers.
-They were together in gym class. Apparently, they were sick on the same day and had
to go to the nursery together during that hour. They started talking and found out they
had more in common than it looked. It's really sweet, actually.
The braniacs stare at Dedrick, flabbergasted. He innocently glances at them and frowns
once he notices all eyes on him.
-He told me one day.
-Why would he tell only you? -Emma inquiries, threatening.
-Why are you mad about it? -he asks, confused.
-I´m not mad -she thinks about it for a second -. Actually, I am mad. We´re a group. In
any case, I´m a closer friend of his than you.
-I am a closer friend to him than you -Jackson intervenes.
-Are you fighting over Elliot? -Robert reasonably asks.
They awkwardly think about it for a while until Elliot shows up holding an USB.
-I´m going to the fucking dance. Shut up -he says pointing at Robert although he didn´t
enunciate a word.
-Why did you bring a laptop to school? -Robert asks. The braniacs have invaded Emma
and his spot once again. They are probably planning on not going anywhere any soon.
-You never know when you're going to need it -Rich answers as he plugs in the USB.
They all fixedly stare at the screen hoping for crucial evidence.
-I would speed it up a bit if I were you -Elliot suggests -. This is a month of footage.
-You could have said that five minutes ago -Jackson complaints.
-But where would be the fun of that?
-Asshole -Rich shakes his head as Elliot smiles.
-Why was she filming a plant for chemistry class? -Dedrick inquiries. For once, we´re all
as confused as he is.
-I think she mixed some chemicals with the water she used to sprinkle the compost or
something like that -Elliot explains.
-What was she expecting? Wouldn´t the plant just die? -Emma wonders.
-Let´s just say she´s not the sharpest knife in the drawer -he responds.
-Now it makes sense why she dated you -Rich finally finds his comeback. Elliot fakes a
smile then rolls his eyes.
-Oh my god, we were right -Jackson gets back on track as he watches the footage.
Someone is definitely climbing to the vents. The shot is not very wide since Ashley´s
purpose was to just frame the experiment, so it's impossible to know who that is.
-It´s an adult -Emma realizes -. There's no way a kid our age would dress like that. Why
do I feel like that's worse than a teenager?
-Because adults are supposed to have our backs, not fucking shot us in the head.
Emma glances at Rich. He wasn't shot in the head, but adults definitely didn't have his back.
-Guys, this is huge. We can see that he´s white, probably male and, like we hypothesized,
lean -. Rich can't hide his excitement.
-You know what else? -Emma adds -. It also confirms that it´s not the chemistry teacher
or anyone who usually goes into that classroom, like the cleaning staff. They would have
known there was a camera. If the murderer didn´t noticed it, it´s probably because it was
his first time stepping into the room since Ashley T. had started her experiment. Another
theory we had it´s also confirmed: he was in a rush. He didn't plan it this way. He didn't
know there would be footage of him.
-You have to show this to the police -Robert says. They all look at him like he's crazy.
-We can't do that. The principal threatened to expel us if we kept going with the investigation.
-But this is bigger than that, Emmy. I bet he wouldn't be mad if you uncovered the mystery.
-We didn't uncover anything, though. We still don't know who it is. We eliminated
suspects, that's all -Rich points out.
-You made a profile of the killer. And found out from where the gun was shot.
-Yeah, and we also left Elliot´s fingerprints all over the vent -Emma says.
-Wow, why did no one warn me about that?
They all shrug like it's not a big deal. Robert reckons otherwise.
-Maybe the principal was right. You´re not helping, you´re manipulating evidence.
-Rob, I know we can solve this. We just need a bit more time. Once we do, we´ll go
straight to the police and tell them everything. Please, trust us.
He definitely doesn't.
-You wouldn´t rat us out, would you? -Elliot asks.
Robert considers for a second getting in a fight with him due to his disrespectful tone. But
one glance to the rest of the group is enough to know that they're all on the same page.
He 's on his own.
-I won´t. But I can't say that I´m okay with your decisions.
-Well, give your opinion when someone actually asks for it -Elliot murmurs.
Chapter 11. Come on Barbie let's go party.
-Have you talked to Dedrick? -Emma asks Rich on their way home. He shrugs -. Richard!
-I just can´t, okay?
-Why not?
-I don't want him to find out. About anything.
-Rich, you know you can trust him.
-It´s not about trust.
Emma looks at him as he tries to find the words. He knows the words, just doesn't want
to say them.
-I´m embarrassed.
-But you should´t be. This isn't your fault.
-It wouldn't be fair to him. “Hey, I was wondering, do you want to go on a date? By the
way, my parents kicked me out for liking you and will probably never accept us going out”.
-You don't know that. And this has nothing to do with them. It's about you. It's about Dedrick.
It´s about the love drama that we´ve all been waiting for.
Emma being the most relatable person once again.
-We´ll have to agree to disagree.
-I don't agree to that.
-Then we´ll disagree to disagree.
Emma frowns, but she can't defend her thesis any further since her confusion grows
stronger when freaking Brad Hudson approaches them both.
-Hi -he salutes them. I can't tell you how funny the bewilderment looks in their faces -. Can
I talk to you? In private.
They decide to go to a café because curiosity is more exciting than unsettling.
-I´ve read Sydney´s book -. Again with it. We´re over it, Brad -. I understand that you´re
looking into Sherone´s murder.
It's cute how Brad Hudson tries to use smart words and formal sentences to talk about
something important. I'm not saying Brad Hudson is cute. I mean cute in, like, a child way.
I don't think that helps my case.
Rich clears his throat.
-Well, not anymore. After the book was leaked, the principal forbade us to investigate any further.
-Then fuck him -that´s the Brad we know -. Look, I'm going to be real with you. I don't
trust the cops -. Shocker -. I´ve talked to Sherone´s sister, and she told me that the police think
it's a race crime.
-But you disagree -Emma guesses.
They´re starting to realize how useful it would be to have Brad on their side. He knows
more about Sherone, and his family knows what the police reckon.
-No. And so does she. Sherone was invested in some tricky business.
-You mean… drugs? -Rich wonders.
-No. I don't know exactly what it is, but I know it started after his mom died. He suddenly
was busy all the time. He was late to every class - hey, why wasn't he forced to write the
school paper? We need to have a talk, Mr. Matthews -, he wasn't given his best in football.
He even broke up with his girlfriend!
Rich and Emma look at each other. Sammie said the same thing.
-I think his sister knows more. You should talk to her. Joelle won´t say a thing to me, she
thinks I'm a dumbass -. Does anyone blame her?
-She wouldn´t trust some strangers -Emma says.
-You guys are smarter. If you tell her that you´re close to knowing what happened, I bet
that she will spit out everything.
-Why do you trust us, though? -she asks, emphasizing the “you”.
-I didn't used to. Hell, I even made that chalk poster.
-You did that? -Rich asks in, I don't get why, disbelief. It's freaking Brad Hudson, Richard.
-Among others -Brad excuses himself -. But we were just scared of your group. You could
rat us out about anything. You´re way more intelligent than the entire school together.
Hell, we misspelled “brainiacs”… -Emma rolls her eyes -. We didn't leak the book, by the
way. At least, no one from the football team or the cheerleaders. I would know.
The two braniacs nods to each other. They already figured that it wasn´t a stupid kid defense
mechanism like the flyer was. It was probably the murderer who violated my sacred
writing space, forcing the principal to take action and stop the group.
-Where can we talk to Sherone´s sister?
-I would go to the bar Joelle works at, if I were you.
-We can't go to a bar, we´re underage -Emma says.
-It´s an “over eighteen” kind of place. You can look a year older. Sherone and I have been
there. They´ll let you in.
Rich and Emma glance at each other again. To be fair, this is their best shot to actually find
out about the super Sherone secret.
-Okay. Give us the address and we´ll go -Emma decides.
-Actually, can I come with? -we definitely didn't see this one coming -. I can be useful. I
will introduce you to Joelle and stuff.
The braniacs don't have to think about it, because Brad is the only thing they have left.
Again with Emma leaving the guys alone with a football player. Dedrick, Jackson, Elliot
and freaking Brad Hudson stand next to the pub door in awkward silence, waiting for Emma
and Rich to arrive.
-I feel like we´re in a spy movie being undercover -Jackson breaks the silence.
-But we´re dressed as ourselves -Dedrick points out.
-Yes, but we're supposed to be older. That's what my eye make up is for.
-A year older -Elliot says -. And make up doesn´t make you look older. You´re literally wearing
glitter in your eyelid like a fucking child.
-She looks older -Brad intervenes, pointing at Emma.
Maybe it's because we´re not used to seeing her in high heels boots and a tight dress, but oh
my god. And I think the guys are thinking the same.
-Nice makeup -she compliments Jackson. He smirks at Elliot then follows the group to the inside.
-Hi -Dedrick greets Rich. He didn't pay attention to Emma.
Rich quickly grins at him and goes immediately inside the club. Dedrick stands there for
a second, frowning, before following everyone.
-There she is.
Brad approaches the bar. Behind it, there's a girl in her twenties trying to be graceful. But
she's clearly not in the mood for working.
-Joelle -he salutes her as they arrive.
-Hi, Brad -she answers with the least convincing enthusiasm I´ve ever witnessed.
-These are my… friends, from high school -. Joelle smiles at them.
-I will pour you some gin-tonics on the house.
-Did she hear that we´re high schoolers? -Jackson whispers.
-I don't think she gives a shit -Elliot shrugs. She really doesn't.
-Actually, I was wondering if we could talk to you. In private. My name is Emma, by the way.
-Nice to meet you, Emma. I guess I could use five minutes and take you to the staff room. All
six of you can't come, though. I´m not allowed to throw a party there.
-It´s okay. Emma and I will go.
The braniacs glance at Brad in discontent, asking themselves at which point he took
over the investigation.
Emma shrugs and follows Joelle and the football player to the staff room.
-Why are we here for, exactly? -Jackson wonders.
-Well, you heard the lady, these are on the house -Rich says holding the drinks that Joelle
actually did end up pouring.
The difference of noise between the dance floor and the staff room makes Emma sigh in
relief. They could barely hear each other across the bar.
-Is this about my brother? -Joelle guesses, taking a seat. Emma glances at Brad, wondering
how much he has said.
-It is. Is that okay? The last thing we want is to upset you -. Damn, she's good at getting
people to trust her.
-It´s fine. I actually know what you´ve been doing. I read your book -. Oh my god, I am
Stephen King at this point. Is there a single person who hasn't read it?
-We have progressed a bit since then. But something we cannot figure out is…
-Sherone´s secret. Why did he break up with Sammie, right?
Emma nods. Brad just stands there paying full attention to everything.
-I just know half of it.
-That´s twice what we know.
-Sherone and I share the same mom, but not the same dad. My father died when I was three
years old.
-I´m sorry -Emma says, because Brad already told her that the mom recently died. Now
her brother. This girl is going through something. No wonder she's not in the mood to pour drinks.
-But I don't know who Sherone´s dad is. Neither did he. I remember a guy coming to the
house from time to time when I was little, but he would never hang out with me or anything
like that.
-Do you remember what he looked like?
-Not really. My mom was bigger than him, I can tell you that. As a kid, I thought the blue
prince was supposed to be six foot four, that's why it surprised me.
-He was white, right?
Joelle nods, which confirms the theory. The guy from Ashley´s video and Sherone´s dad: most
likely to be the same person.
-When my mom died, Sherone found out that this dude was blackmailing her in order to get
away from his parenting responsibilities.
-How so? -Joelle sighs, but Emma doesn't allow herself to feel enough pity to not keep
asking. There is no way they would have found out about this stuff on their own.
-She was undocumented. When he decided to not take care of Sherone right after he was born,
my mom asked him for money. She was willing to sue him to get a pension from him.
Obviously, that was a bluff. No judge would take the black woman's side. However, probably
just in case, Sherone´s father threatened to report about her situation if she ever tried to contact
him for anything -. At this point, this girl is on the edge of tears -. My brother was upset and
angry, but also curious about who his dad was. I warned him not to look for him but he
wouldn't listen.
-Joelle, have you told this to the police?
-Of course I have. But like I said, no one cares about a black woman. They are supporting
the white man even though they don't even know who he is.
-Did Sherone finally find out his identity?
-I´m not sure. If he didn´t, he probably would have been killed to not find out.
The room goes silent. There's so much to take in. Emma still can't believe that the police
don't even want to investigate the situation any further. She reckons they probably are but
haven't said anything to Joelle. It would be really stupid if they aren´t.
But if there´s no connection between this guy and anyone alive, there's no way they´re proving
who he is.
Meanwhile, Rich is getting hammered.
-How are the glasses already empty? I haven't drank anything and you guys haven't even
finished one -Dedrick asks, inspecting the cups.
-I think someone really needed this -Elliot says pointing at Rich. He's dancing in the
middle of the dance floor like there's no tomorrow.
-I´m going to get him -. Jackson steps in to drag him out of the mass of people -. Rich,
honey, it's time for you to go home.
-If only I had one -. They can barely understand what he's saying.
-What do you mean? -Dedrick inquiries.
-My parents kicked me out for “being a fag” -he explains doing the quotation marks in the
air -. I didn´t know they were so homophobic -he says, laughing -. Hell, I´m not even
gay. I´m bi, I think. I like girls. I would definitely fuck Emma, you know?
-Rich! -For once, it´s Elliot the one to reprimand.
-Oh, sorry. Look, dude, I know you like her, but she's not going to like you back,
okay? She said it herself. Right, D? He told you. I read it in Sydney´s book -again with it.
-I haven't read the book -Elliot says. Finally, thank god.
-Rich, what's going on? -Oh, Emma, you don't want to show up right now -. Are you
seriously drunk right now?
-I drank a bit, okay? Don't act like a mom like you always do. I don´t want to fuck my mom…
-What are you even saying? Let 's go home.
-I was just telling Elliot how you don't want to date him because he's terrible and everyone
hates him.
Emma doesn't know what to do. Whether or not to glance at Elliot´s reaction.
-Richard Theodore. Home -she demands, grabbing him from the arm.
-There´s the mom again. Bye, D!
-Goodbye. Rich.
You can see how the drunkenness drops the second he says that name.
Chapter 12. Everyone fucking it up.
-He actually said those things, huh?
-Yep. And now Dedrick is mad at him, Elliot is mad at everyone, but specifically me,
and Brad Hudson thinks we´re all insane.
-I guess Jackson is happy to be himself right now, huh?
-It´s not funny, Rob.
-I´m not laughing.
Emma sighs, sitting on a chair. Yes, they sit in the right furniture when they're in other
people's houses. Robert stares at her from the bed, lying facing down.
-Joelle told me so much and yet… I can't figure out how we are going to move
forward. Especially considering how the group is right now.
-You have no idea who that mysterious guy could be?
-I have no idea.
-But you have a theory.
Emma smirks at him, closing halfway her eyes.
-How do you know?
-Am I not your best friend? Look, I know I've been giving the braniacs a hard time and
I'm sorry. But I am still here for your theories. You know I love them.
-I do.
-And after last night you kind of don´t have anyone else.
-You´re such a jerk.
-But the only one left. So spill it out.
Emma sighs, wondering whether or not to say it. But, at the end of the day, it´s Robert´s
eyes staring at her.
-I think it's the principal -she whispers, although Robert´s parents aren't home.
-The principal? Are you sure?
-No, I'm not. It's just a hunch. But he didn't want us to investigate from day one. He´s
white and lean, like the man in the video. It's not that crazy, is it? -Robert shrugs.
-I mean, anything would be crazy at this point.
-I don't have any proof, anyway.
-Are you going to tell the others?
-Eventually. Rich would have to actually wake up to hear this.
-He´s still knocked out, huh?
-I left him home snoring. And Elliot and I are not on speaking terms, so…
Robert loses his smiles and nods.
-I also read what you told Dedrick. Why haven't you ever told me about your crush?
-I don´t know. I guess I was denying it.
-So you don't want to date him?
-Not consciously.
-But unconsciously?
Emma shrugs again.
-I can't help it.
-I see.
-Anyway, enough about braniacs. Let's talk about the semiformal dance. What are we
wearing, do I pick you up, do you pick me up? Why are you making that face?
-Oh, um, you were busy with the Joelle thing and the Rich thing so, I didn't tell you.
çSammie asked me to go to the semiformal with her.
-Oh -. I don't know if she's surprised or disappointed. I guess both.
-I´m sorry.
-Don´t be. We never actually talked about going together. It's better if you go on an actual
date and not just with your friend, right?
-Right -. That was not convincing, Robert.
These two have never stayed in such an awkward silence for so long.
-Well, I have to go check on Rich, so have fun and send pictures.
-You´re not coming to the dance?
-Probably not. We´ll see.
Robert nods, but he knows she doesn´t need to see anything.
-So… -she smirks as she leans on the doorframe - You want to fuck me, huh?
-Ug, shut up -Rich demands, sitting at the kitchen table drinking the biggest cup of
coffee I have ever seen -. I can't believe I said that. I really don't, by the way.
-Thanks, man -she sarcastically says, leaving her keys on the table and standing in front
of Rich.
-No, I just…
-Rich, I know. I'm messing with you.
-I just… I wanted to make Dedrick jealous. How stupid is that?
-Very, since he doesn´t need to be. He's already into you.
-I know -he sighs.
-Then why have you been avoiding him?
-I already told you.
-I don´t believe you.
Rich shakes his head. Emma leans forward and puts her elbows on the table.
-Let´s do one thing. Shake the hangover out. I´ll go buy you a nice suit, you´ll let me
put some eyeliner on your eyes and we´ll go to the dance tonight.
-Yes, let's go together, that would solve the problem about Dedrick thinking I´m into
you -. Richard, irony doesn't look good on you .- And why do I have to wear eyeliner?
-We´ll go as friends. You need to talk to him. And the eye liner is to make it up for me
after what you said about me hating Elliot.
-Jeez, I forgot about that -he regrets, rubbing his face.
Emma raises her eyebrows, waiting for an answer.
-Okay, we'll go. What do we have to lose? By the way, what did Joelle tell you?
-Honey, you need to be much more awake for that.
-If isn´t the boozer?
-You're so funny, Jackson. I can't even contain my laughter.
-Look who can form full sentences.
-I know, I fucked up yesterday. That's what I´m here for, to apologize.
-Emma, where´s Robert? -he asks, looking around them.
-He has a date.
-Oh, honey.
-Please don't act as if he broke up with me.
-Didn´t he though?
-Where is your date, huh?
-Bitch, I don't need a date when I look this gorgeous.
-I´m going in to find Dedrick -Rich says.
-I saw him entering the hallway. I don't reckon he's in the mood for more partying -Jackson
informs. Rich nods and goes inside.
He goes down the corridor basically running until he spots Dedrick inside of a classroom,
sitting (of course) on a table and looking at a window. We´ve all been there, pretending we're
in a music video.
Rich stops short and stands under the doorframe, staring at him. Dedrick finally glances at
him, showing no emotions. This is hard to watch.
Rich puts his hands in his pockets and takes the courage to go inside.
-I heard there is a murderer on the loose. You shouldn't be by yourself.
-There´s people I don't really want to see.
Rich nods but keeps approaching Dedrick´s seat.
-Then why did you come?
He just shrugs.
Rich sits down in front of him on (let's say it again) a table.
-Nice eyeliner.
-Thanks. Emma kind of forced me to -. Oh no, the “E” word.
-Well, I hope you´re happy with her.
Dedrick stands up and starts walking in order to leave, but Rich gently grabs his wrist to stop him.
-D, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean a word.
-Did you mean what your parents said? About you being homeless?
Rich doubts. He realizes he doesn't have a choice but to answer genuinely.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-I was embarrassed.
-It´s me. You know you can trust me.
-I do. But I was… scared.
-Of what?
-I wouldn´t… I just… I thought I couldn´t…
-Ask me out?
Rich nods. He doesn´t need to pull Dedrick´s arm anymore. He's staying.
-I thought if I asked you out and told you what my parents thought about it you just…
-I would definitely say yes because I care about you and not your family?
Rich raises his eyesight in disbelief.
-Duh. I thought I was the dumb one here.
-D, do you want to go out with me sometime?
Dedrick stands right in front of him and strokes his cheek. Who can resist those blue
eyes, right? With eyeliner now.
Or his parents' money.
Well, I can. I don't like men, but you get the point.
Rich lets him take the first step as Dedrick puts his lips onto his.
-I´ll have to think about it -he jokes.
Rich shakes his head with a big smile and pulls Dedrick to kiss him again.
I reckon he doesn't have to think about it anymore.
While Jackson dances with some guy he found at the gym, Emma enters the room
where the braniacs use to meet. She found it open and couldn't help but take a nostalgic tour.
She abruptly stops after seeing Elliot there taking some things from the shelves. He sees her
as well.
-Don´t worry about me. I´m just collecting some stuff I left before they locked the room
and I´ll be gone.
-Don´t go, Elliot.
-Why not? You all hate me.
-I don't hate you.
-Wow, then you´re a fucking good actress.
-Look, I´m sorry. I was upset and said too much. I didn't mean to imply that I hate you, those
were Rich´s words, not mine.
Elliot stays silent and continues to take some notebooks and pencils.
-I did have a point, though -this time, he stops.
-Did you, now.
-As a matter of fact, yes, I did. You always hate on everyone and everything.
-Not everyone.
-Oh, yeah, who do you not hate?
-You I don't hate.
Emma didn't see that one coming.
-You guys -he adds -. I love being in the braniacs, okay? I´m not the “I love you people''
kind of dude but, honestly, the group is the best part of my day.
-Then why are you always angry about everything?
-Because this school sucks. This society sucks. That's what I´m here for. I want to change
it. However, the second something bad happens to a football player, there we are, patting
their backs and kissing them on the cheeks.
-Elliot, Sherone died. It doesn't matter who he was. It´s a kid who got shot, and we´re right
to feel sorry for his teammates.
-Maybe he deserved to die.
Emma knew Elliot was a hater, but that really surprises her.
-You don´t mean that.
-You know what, we keep discovering horrible things about what the football team does, and
yet he's still a hero. Brad told you guys they made the flier, I´m sure Sherone was a part of it.
I could be a suspect as well for that matter.
-What are you talking about?
Elliot sighs. He sits on a table (damn, their favorite thing).
-Last year, we were in English class together. The day we had to choose a partner for the
project we were supposed to do, he was home ill. Shocker, everyone left me out. So we had
to partner together.
Emma felt bad for a moment. She was in that class, and so was Robert. They, of course,
partnered together. She didn't think for a moment about him.
In fact, she doesn't even remember him.
-I was in that class. You weren't there.
Okay, Elliot, we´re all intrigued now. Get to the point.
-Someone told Sherone that he got “stuck” with me in Mr Matthews class, so he talked to
the principal.
-He knew no one would switch with him. He tried, though. And, indeed, no one did.
Stupid Brad Hudson was transfer to the class, and I was sent to latin, because there wasn´t
enough room for the both of us.
-I can´t believe the principal agreed to that.
-I can. They´re the jocks. They get away with everything.
-I'm really sorry, Elliot. If I knew, I would have been your partner, I swear.
-Well, guess who did know, and didn´t want to let you go.
-Rober knew about this? Is that why you hate him so much?
-Among other things.
-Look, I'm sure he meant well. We do every single project together and I bet he wasn't
aware of the transfering thing. He would have told me.
-I can't believe you´re defending him right now -Elliot stands up to get away from her.
-I'm just saying…
-Yeah, I know what you´re saying. He's perfect, I'm awful. I got it.
-You´re not awful.
-Then why do you prefer him?
-He´s always at your house. You have lunch with him. You just said, you do every project
with him.
-He´s my best friend.
-Yeah, right.
-What do you mean “yeah, right”?
-I got my hopes up after Sydney´s article, you know? -hey, that's me. Sorry. Go on,
Elliot -. I thought you had a crush on me. And then you showed up with that guy, and we
find you two almost naked at your house alone. Jeez, you could have told us you were
dating. We are your friends.
-Robert and I aren't dating. And I did have a crush on you.
Elliot slows down.
-Did? In the past?
Emma shrugs. And, fasten your seatbelts, Elliot abruptly kisses her. Oh, boy. Wrong
move, sweetheart.
She pushes him away.
-What do you think you´re doing?
-You just said you have a crush on me. Guess what, I have a crush on you, too.
-I didn't say I wanted to date you, nor kiss you. And this is exactly why. You never think
about anyone but yourself. You make me feel sorry for you, and the next minute you start
acting like a jerk. I´m sick of it, Elliot. You could be a great person, but you sabotage
yourself. Fix your own egotistic problems, and then you can start thinking about having
a girlfriend. But I can assure you, that person won't be me.
She storms out of the room while Elliot wishes that day never happened.
Chapter 13. Holy shit he has a gun.
Emma awkwardly sits in the middle of the gym by herself. I mean, not in the middle,
she's sitting at a table. I just wanted to make it sound more dramatic. After the argument
with Elliot, she lost Jackson due to the fact that, in the meantime, he had time to actually find
a date.
She stares at Jackson dancing with this Owen guy, Elliot sitting at another table with
Ashley T. but staring at her. Poor girl, Ashley is the real victim in the story.
The cherry of the cake turns out to be that she has to witness Robert holding hands with
Sammie as they walk into the room.
Robert glances at Emma and smiles as if he doesn't realize she's completely alone. Emma
waves with what's supposed to be a happy smirk.
It's not.
I don´t know if it's helpful when Rich and Dedrick walk into the gym also holding hands.
Is it better to be accompanied by a couple?
-What you guys doing? -she asks, this time with a genuine smile.
-Nothing -Rich grins. She shakes her head while laughing.
-Are you okay? -Dedrick worries as he sees Robert dancing with Samantha.
-Yeah -she lies -. He told me this morning. I´m happy for them.
The guys look at her, raising their eyebrows skeptically. They sit next to both sides of
her. Emma rolls her eyes.
-He is allowed to date.
-But you want him to date you -. Dedrick, sweetie, you sound like a child.
-Okay, when did this become a thing? I never said I wanted to date Robert.
-You don't need to say something when it's so obvious.
Emma can't help but to lose her smile. It hurts to realize what you already knew.
Dedrick's wisdom strikes again in people's hearts.
-It´s so hot in there -. Jackson approaches the table and drinks from Emma´s glass.
-Hey, that's my cup ,you bitch! -she jokes.
-That´s my line, bitch -. He looks around him and spots Robert -. Oh, honey, are you okay?
-Stop with that, man.
-You don't call me that.
Jackson grabs a chair and sits in front of the trio. He then looks around him again.
-Where´s Elliot? Is he still mad because we “hate him”?
-I think he's busy -Rich says pointing at him. Jackson looks surprised to see the red
hair hanging out with the cheerleader, although Elliot informed them about it.
-Damn. I can't believe he actually went for it. Good for him. Not Ashley, though, she
could do better -. Thank you, we´re on the same page -. Once and for all, you need to spill
the tea about Joelle. What did she say?
She explains everything Sherone´s sister told Brad and her. The boys look very shocked.
I reckon they all think what Emma thought: they would have never found out about this
any other way.
-Who do we think this man could be? -Dedrick asks.
She doubts between telling her theory and staying silent, but Rich is surprisingly smarter
than her.
-You have a theory, don´t you?
-How do you know? -. Okay, I witnessed this conversation before. Em, honey, Robert
and Rich can´t have the exact same role in your life.
-Because we're friends, right? -. Okay, that hesitation was adorable. I'll allow it.
-Right -she smiles -. I have zero proof. It's just a hunch.
-Bitch, just say it.
-I think it was the principal.
No, braniacs, you´re not attracting any attention from the entire school whispering
things being so close to each other during a literal dance.
Elliot can't help but stare at them in confusion, as if he was going to hear them from
the distance if he looks hard enough. Dude, get over yourself and join them.
-He physically fits the profile -Rich reasons.
-Is that why Joelle´s skin is darker than Sherone´s was? His dad is white? -. Wow,
Dedrick, you really stepped out of your zone for that guess.
-And just today Elliot told me about a time when the principal played favoritism
with Sherone. You can't help but to support your child, right?
-Wait, so you have talked to Elliot -Jackson puts two and two together.
-Yes, but I don't want to talk about it. We have to come up with a plan. We need proof.
-Or a confession -Rich intervenes -. We could record him admitting to be the dad. He
doesn't even have to admit to have killed Sherone, I think that Ashley´s video would be
enough for the police. Obviously not the trial, but we´re not cops. I think that's the best
we can do.
-And how do we get him to say that? We´re not his favorite people, exactly. I don't reckon
he's willing to have a heart to heart talk with any of us -Jackson points out.
-Hi -Elliot greets, approaching the table, which surprises everyone -. I know you´re
probably mad at me -he says, but only looking at Emma. She looks away -, but I can tell
you´re talking about you know what and I can´t just fucking stay there and talk to people
I don´t care about.
-Are you saying you care about us? -Rich tries to mock him.
-You know what? Yes, I do. Is that wrong?
No one expected that answer. Probably, not even Elliot.
-I´m joking, man. We´re not mad at you. Look, I´m sorry about what I said. I was
super drunk, and upset with my parents, and said so many stupid shit. We're really glad
you´re here. We can't have a braniac missing when we're so close to solving this.
-Hey, Emma -freaking Brad Hudson says, also approaching the table. This is getting silly
at this point -. Has Joelle talked to you?
-Joelle? She doesn't have my number.
-She said she would come here. She needed to talk to you about what we talked about
yesterday. It was important. She discovered something when she got home.
-She hasn't been around here, Brad.
-But she texted me half an hour ago saying she was here -he shows Emma his phone to
prove what he's saying -. It doesn't take that long to find the gym, does it?
The braniacs glance at each other and immediately leave the room. Brad just stands
there looking stupid, like he does, then follows them.
For some reason, Robert sees them and chases them too, leaving Sammie there alone.
Nice move, quarterback.
The braniacs plus Brad plus Robert in the back run through the hallways screaming Joelle´s
name. They decide to also check the principal's office and the teachers´ room, but she's not
in there.
-Still no answer? -Rich asks while Brad calls her phone again. He shakes his head in denial.
-There´s no way she fucking told you she was here then vanished -Elliot points out -. That
guy must have taken her.
-If I was the killer, where would I go with Joelle? -Emma stops to think out loud -. I
wouldn´t go outside, she could run away very easily. Obviously nowhere near the gym,
where the students are. We've checked every class, and office. What 's left?
-Maybe they're at the football field. Or the locker rooms -Jackson suggests.
-I don't think he would go back to the crime scene -Elliot responds.
-And kids go to the field to make up during school events. It´s a quiet place and, if
you´re a football player, you can show your date your locker -Robert says,
making everyone acknowledge his presence.
-I work at the school. In fact, I run the school, I´m the principal and I know it very
well. I´ve been everywhere in this building, I know which class is assigned to every club and…
She knows.
-And what? -Dedrick asks.
-The Glee Club doesn't have a class.
-So? -Elliot inquiries, confused.
-So they rehearse at the theater. It's basically a basement. Underground so sound doesn't
come up and where no one will go during a dance.
They don´t need to hear another word. They speed to the stairs and almost fell off one
on top of the other.
The group realizes Emma´s right the second their feet touch the floor downstairs. Because
the sound does reach there, and they hear Joelle´s voice. Choking.
-Hey! -they start screaming so the principal knows they're there and stops.
They find Joelle pushed into a wall on top of the stage and a lean, white man with his
hand in her throat.
He turns around and, holy shit, he has a gun. Why would you choke someone when you have
a freaking gun in your hand?
Anyways, he's not the principal.
-Mr. Matthews?
I don´t know who's more surprised: Brad or freaking me. Holy shit, he's the one who made
me write in the newspaper in the first place. Is that why I got punished for being late but
Sherone wasn´t? Because Mr. Matthews is the dad?
Holy shit, holy shit. Okay, Sydney, calm down, the story needs to go on.
When they spot the gun, just as Rich grabs Dedrick´s forearm for support, Emma steps to
her right to cover Robert and protect him, although Elliot is standing right at her left. Because
when you know, you know.
-Of course you kids are here -Mr. Matthews says with a fucking creepy laugh. The good thing
is that he let Joelle go, so she's sitting on the floor trying to breathe.
-I was wrong -Emma murmurs. I don't think this is that important now but, okay. You do you, Em.
-You better get out of here. This has nothing to do with you -he warns them -. I don't want
to kill you, but I will if I have to. I guess I can´t let you leave, though, because you already
çfound me, so…
Okay, wow, this is a crazy man talking. He's scratching his head with the freaking gun.
No wonder he left me in charge of the newspaper: this guy doesn't know what he's doing.
For once, Robert realizes how popular he is, and he immediately starts an Instagram live
and records him.
-You´re live, Mr. Matthews. You´ll have to kill the entire school. And my family, friends
from other schools and random followers that I have on Instagram.
-I don´t believe you. No one watches Instagram lives -. Well, he has a point.
-”Is that Mr. Matthews?”. “What is going on there, Roberto?”. “Is this a joke?”. “Holy
crap, get out of there, man”. “Are you at the school theater?”.
He continues reading what people are commenting. Mr. Matthews is getting really nervous.
This was a smart idea, but also a very reckless one.
-Stop! I heard you! -he freaks out.
-This is the dude who killed Sherone, guys -Robert says to his followers -. This is the
dude who's currently pointing a gun at seven students.
I don't know if he was trying to get people to go to the room and fight him together. I think
he doesn't know people. Everyone at the dance quickly leaves the building and runs for their lives.
Luckily, someone saves the day. That someone is me, motherfuckers. I already called
the cops the second Brad said Joelle was not responding, because I´m responsible and
thought all along that the braniacs should have gone to the police in the first place with
Ashley´s video.
I don't mean to go against my main characters, but they were being unreasonable.
I comment on Robert´s Instagram live to let him know that. Just hold for a bit, the cops are
coming. I think he assumed someone would call the police once the live was on, but I just
wanted to reassure him. You know, like WE heroes do.
Joelle tries to crawl to get where the group is standing. She would take Brad as comfort right
now, that's how desperate she is. But Mr. Matthews is having none of it.
-Where do you think you´re going? -he shouts, pointing at her with the gun.
Joelle puts her forehead on the ground in hope for mercy. You can't expect sympathy
from someone insane, though.
What they didn't see coming is that he would shoot Robert´s phone and hit the target.
Chapter 14. The braniacs are not over because they´re alive and we have a whole ass semester
left to go.
Luckily for Robert, his device is the only thing damaged.
Everyone screams.
-You see me like the super duper bad guy, I know -. That was an easy guess, Mr. Matthews -.
But I didn't have an option, okay? “Charlie, I'm having your baby”. That´s what your stupid
mom said -he talks to Joelle -. She didn't give me any option. “I want to have it, Charlie”. Well,
good for you, but don't come for me once I want out.
-But why did you have to kill my brother, though? -Joelle rises up from her ashes and manages
to look at him.
-He was threatening me to tell everyone.
-Was that so bad that you had to murder him? -She can barely speak with all the tears in her eyes.
-I can't go around having a black son -. Holy shit, it was a race crime. The cops were damn right.
I can't describe to you how horrified they all look facing that comment. Especially the
people in the room who are, actually, black.
-He was asking for money. “I know what you did, Mr. Matthews. I know you owe me tons
of money. And I´m going to get it whatever it takes”. I'm a teacher, idiot, how much money
do you think I make? He was so annoying, and I tried, kids, I tried to make it up to him,
and give him everything he needed. But he was asking for too much. And he was planning
to expose me anyway without telling me. I couldn´t let that happen. You have to understand.
I don´t think you can ask people to understand you while you point at them with a
weapon, Mr. Matthews.
-All due respect, sir, go fuck yourself.
Emma's boldness gets saved (don´t want to brag, but) thanks to me because the cops
arrive in that second.
-Gun on the ground! Stay put!
No matter how crazy a man is, if six cops point at you with guns you lift your arms and do
stay put.
It wasn't exactly thanks to me, though. Turns out, when twenty underage kids call the
police saying in scared voices that there's a teacher with a gun at the school, the police move.
Good to know.
The cops take Mr. Matthews out of the building, where every student who previously
ran outside watches him getting arrested. I don´t know about you, but I think everyone
wants to insult some teacher, especially if he committed such a terrible crime towards
a classmate. “Charlie” wins the prize for being the most “fucked you” teacher in the
history of the world.
The group downstairs hug each other in tears. You don't get this jump scare when you
investigate who's stealing chalks in class. Even Elliot hugs Jackson tightly. The latter is
too relieved for being alive to be surprised by it.
-I found Sherone´s birth certificate -Joelle explains to Emma, still on the ground and
with trouble speaking -. Charles Jonathan Matthews appeared as the father. I didn't even
know who he was. He started working here a year after I graduated. But I thought you
guys should know. He must have recognised me when he saw me.
-Thank you, Joelle. You really solved this.
-You did. I just happened to be around. Thank you for not giving up on getting justice for
my brother.
Joelle hugs Emma as if they didn't just meet yesterday. I guess a near death experience
helps the bonding.
-Why didn't he shoot you, though? -Robert asks.
-He wanted to know where Sherone saved the money he was giving him. He was planning
to shoot me afterwards. The choking part was to torture me so I´d answer. I´m alive thanks
to his greed.
-I´m going to have so many nightmares tonight -Brad says.
-I don´t think I´m going to be able to sleep, to be honest -Joelle adds. She wins.
The police accompany the group upstairs, where the principal is standing waiting for the
braniacs. For some reason, this scares them more than the gun.
-Sir, we´re really sorry… -Emma starts apologizing, but she stops when the principal hugs her?
-I told you kids not to investigate. You need to stay safe -he says, as he hugs every single
one of them.
He was actually worried about their safety, how lovely is that?
-But I guess I´ll have to allow the Mystery Club, after all -he sighs -. I could really use
some of those little brains of yours to find out who is stealing all the chalk in this school.
-It´s everyone, sir -Rich answers.
-I figured -he shrugs.
The braniacs laugh, which couldn't be more relieving for them after what they lived.
The next day, they decide to take the day off from each other. They need to not be the
braniacs for one day.
Dedrick and Rich go on their very first date together, which is pretty exciting.
Elliot receives a message from Ashley T. asking about his wellness. That's sweet. He´ll
have to think about what he's going to do about it. He broke up with her last year just
because he was developing feelings for Emma, but now that that's out of the way, it
would be nice to have someone there for him for once.
Jackson completely ghosts Owen and sleeps through the whole day.
Robert and Emma hang out at her place, still reflecting on what happened.
-I can't believe you started filming. It was brilliant, don´t get me wrong. But how did you
come up with that?
Robert shrugs.
-He said that he had to kill us because we then knew he was the murderer. I figured, if
everyone knows, he no longer has a reason to do it.
-Thank god he didn't go school shooting all around the gym just because everyone knew.
-That´s why I started adding family and random followers. That man was unpredictable -he
explains -. I can't believe Mr. Matthews is insane. And a racist.
-I can't believe his name is Charlie.
They laugh, because that's all they have left at this point.
-By the way, can I borrow your phone? I completely left Sammie alone and my phone is,
literally, dead.
Robert stops in the middle of going through Emma's phone when he sees something.
-You have a picture of me as your wallpaper -he says showing it to her as if she didn´t
know what's in her phone. Emma kind of blushes.
-Well… yeah. You´re my favorite person. It makes me happy.
He stares at her, intrigued. She looks down pretending to play with a thread from the
couch´s blanket.
-Emmy, do you want me to text Sammie?
-Why do you ask me that? I can't decide for you.
-I´m not asking you to. Do you want me to date Sammie, yes or no?
-What´s gotten into you, Rob?
-You got into me, Em. This is getting exhausting, to be honest.
-What is?
-This! You pretending all the time like you don't know what I'm talking about.
-I don´t.
-You know what? I think I´ll just leave.
Emma stands up when he does.
-Are you serious? Why?
-Because. I'm tired. I can't keep doing this.
-I´m sorry for ruining your life, apparently. I didn't know it was so hard to be my friend.
He is having none of it.
-Emma, you don't know what it's like to be in love with your best friend.
-Yes, I do!
Emma is more surprised with her own answer than Robert, although he's not far from it.
She doesn't even know what to say. Emma´s been avoiding this moment for such a long
time and now she was forced to live it.
-Are you in love with me? I thought you liked Elliot.
-I thought so too.
-What are you saying?
-I´m saying that I forced myself to like someone else -. I´m sorry for Elliot when he reads this.
If he does, he bailed on this book when it got leaked. You know what, fuck you, Elliot.
Oh my god, that's how my book got leaked! Mr. Matthews is one of the few people who
can get in the newspaper computer because he runs it. Jeez, I could have solved the crime.
Oh, well.
-Why, though? I thought you just didn't realize what my feelings are.
-I´m not stupid, Rob. I know you more than you know yourself. That's why I know how
disappointing it would be for you to date me.
-You don't know that. You can´t play the insecure card in this scenario when yesterday you
freaking told a murderer pointing you with a gun to go fuck himself -. He has a point -. Why
don't you want us to be together?
-Because you´re all I have. I would die if you left me. Relationships are hard. A friendship is
-It´s not if it's not fulfilling. I want to kiss you, Em. I´m sorry if you feel uncomfortable
hearing this. But I just can´t take it anymore. I want to hold your hand when we go for walks
and spoon you when we watch a scary movie.
-We both know I would spoon you.
Robert can´t help but laugh. Emma does too.
-See how you make me smile? No one else does it so well. Not even close.
-...we could do those things.
Robert slowly approaches her. Oh my god, guys, this is what we´ve been waiting for. Fasten
your seat belts, because I'm about to write the most cliché thing ever.
-We could? -he carefully asks. She shrugs.
-We would still be friends. We would just be more loving, right?
-Of course.
They stand very few inches from each other.
-Emmy, can I kiss you now?
But he doesn't have to ask, because she takes the lead and kisses him instead.
And now we can all die in peace. Let's not hope for a second book of the braniacs, because
that would mean something terrible happened again at school and I really need to focus on
my college application.
Oh, maybe I can write about something else. I´ll research about the Egypt pyramids. Guys,
I´m going to work towards the Nobel prize, do you hear me? Well, read me.
And that's it for the book.
Okay, bye, toodles.
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